new fry?


New Member
Aug 26, 2003
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san diego, ca
today james and i found 6 new fry. they look nothing like our mollies or swordtails, they are long and blackish gray. we think they are chinese alge eaters but can they have babies? we have ywo but i have only seen one for like a week. does anyone know any thing that could help us? :blink:

kristyne :unsure:
the fry are probably the offspring of some other male from the tank at the lfs,this is often the case with most livebearers .......... in britain they only keep guppy females apart from males.but they are often pregant anyways!!!?!?!??! :unsure: :crazy: . all other livebearers are kempt in mixed sex tanks so usually the colours are all different so odd mix of fry could be expected when buying females....... -_- u can often tell when a female is preganant with platys becase they dnt mate unless have to..... then they stick with there chosen female untill fry are born! , where as with mollys its choose a partner and mate all the time!!!!! even when the fmelae is probably pregnant!! :/ :S this is only form my experince... :thumbs:
our mollies have had fry before so we've been on the look out for big bellies (possible every 28 days?!!) but the werid thing is we didn't see any. we have a balloon molly who didn't get any bigger and a lyre tail molly (who is the dominent female) who is just big. and our sword tail is the same too. maybe it was a miracle birth! :lol: well i guess we'll just have to wait and find out. thanks for you help!!

kristyne and james
lol thats what i am doing with some of my fry lol!!! and they are this big ------ i still don't know whos the mum.... might be my ballon molly..... :thumbs:
yea, the other day we went to petsmart to get some more alge eaters and we talked to the the lady about them. she told us its possible one of our females could have been pregnant before we got them! :eek: i don't know though.


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