Hello! I recently purchased a new 130 gallon set up from Craigslist. The tank will arrive this Friday and will come with a stand/tank/hood/lights. I look forward to the build and am still gathering ideas for how it will be decorated and stocked. I will start a fish-less cycle this weekend.
To do list:
Buy Canister Filter (Thoughts on which one?)
Decide on substrate (leaning toward pool filter sand)
Find driftwood
Pick a heater
Have patience (fish-less cycle UGH!)
Will post pics as soon as the tank is in the house!
To do list:
Buy Canister Filter (Thoughts on which one?)
Decide on substrate (leaning toward pool filter sand)
Find driftwood
Pick a heater
Have patience (fish-less cycle UGH!)
Will post pics as soon as the tank is in the house!