New Fluval 305 Rattle


New Member
Jan 20, 2007
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i have had my new fluval roma tank setup about 4 days,
the filter fluval 305, is still making a bit of a racket,
i have tried reseating all the parts lubing the seals etc,
ive given it a good shake once in a while and the bubbles seem to have stopped,
but it still makes too much noise, when i press down on the top it gets a little quieter,
i know this hasnt been setup for long and needs to expel any air,
but how long should i leave it to sort itself out before i start getting annoyed with it,
its hard to tell wether its air or just a bad filter

any practical suggestions?

need a bit of help
Is the aquastop valve all the way down (fully open) ? As it sounds like there is a problem with the motor.
aquastop is all the way down, and the valve open,
it just sounds like the whole thing is vibrating ,
there is plenty of flow,
ive given the pipes a good shake to try get rid of any air,
the impeller looks to sit right,
im not completely impressed with the way the motor housing pushes into the cannister,

not sure what to do im already thinking eheim, ive just redecorated and have a new carpet ,i would like to avoid a filter disaster even if it costs a bit extra
Did the rattle ever stop or did you change the filter?

Just wondering as I have just got one of these and have the same problem.
Are the barings OK? they can be pushed in too far on the Fluvals, and this would allow the impeller to move on it's shaft and thus could explain the rattle. Can you get pics of the chamber, impeller, shaft and bearings. Be careful when remoing the shaft, I've snapped may by applying even slight pressure :crazy:
Thanks for the reply, Im gonna take it all apart tonight and have another good look.

The rattle has got quieter but still a hum, which I guess is normal.

Due to the tank being in my bed room you really notice when trying to sleep. Are there any filters out here that are truly whisper quiet?
Thanks for the reply, Im gonna take it all apart tonight and have another good look.

The rattle has got quieter but still a hum, which I guess is normal.

Due to the tank being in my bed room you really notice when trying to sleep. Are there any filters out here that are truly whisper quiet?

Eheim Pro I, II's, classic 2213/15/17 and the JBL cristal Profi range. Have the shop show you them running side by side. I used to have a 305 as well but after leaking issues went with a JBL.

The Pro I,II and the JBL 250 I have I literally have to touch to feel they are working. Even my pro 3e was quieter than my old 305 and it pushs 1850 l/ph at full tilt. The Pro 3e is decrinable at 30cm the 305 was louder.
Can't hear my Tetratec EX1200's with the cabinet doors closed, and the timer switch for my lights is noisier than the filters with the doors open :shifty:
Reseated and cleaned the 305 throughly and its still noisy and rattly so will invest in a tetrac 1200 have read up on it and everyone says good things about them. Just gotta sneak it past the missus now!

Thanks for all your help.

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