New fishies!!!!!


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
:) I GOT THEM :D :D I'm in love :love: Picked up 2 Ruben reds today - a male and female juvis. The male is just starting to colour up - there's a touch of blue round the gills and a tinge of red on his body. The female's quite drab in comparison. Is there any food that I can give them to enhance the colours? They've settled down quite quickly and so far so good - they're swimming around like they've been here forever
:D :D :D

frozen brine would be good. Also a good color flake. Hikari makes a good one.

Feed a good variety and they (the male anyway) will color up real nice.

Congrats again...and keep us posted.

Hi Gadazobe,

how are the fish? how long did you have to wait for them and what price was you charged? (not being too cheeky i hope) :p

Gaza t
:( I want some to,
lucky guy :grin: keep us posted,congrats.
in case you couldn't tell i am happy for you,jealous but still happy :grumpy:
I waited 3 weeks and they cost me £10 for the pair. They sell them seperately also, male £7.50, female £2.50 Oh, and by the way I'm a lucky gal, not guy!! :) I had to wait for them to finish their quarantine period before I could pick them up. I am soooooo pleased :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Oh and BTW, if you want a fully coloured male adult, he will cost you nearly 3 times what I paid :) I buy all my fish as juvies and they seem to settle down much better and faster than adults and I enjoy watching them grow and change. My electric yellows where just under 1" when I got them and now they must be about 2" and still growing :look: The only problem with buying juvies is that sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between male and female :(
Hi Gadazobe,

Glad to hear that the fish are doing well, i'm currently waiting for my lfs to try and source (not sauce adeyc) :D for me.

I suppose then the fish on the fish club list are a steal at £4.94. :p If you want at least nine (minimum purchase).

I await further news.

Gaza T
:) I think the way the fish club works is a minimum Total order of 9 i.e. 3 peeps wanting 3 each or any variables.
Correct me if I'm wrong Davy. ;) Mac.
It could work like that. But how would 3 peps know they all wanted the same fish.

To import there is a min of a 1/8th bag of fish which is just above the min qty in the club (-5% DOA you have to allow for) One order must be 10 boxes. 10x8 = the 80 orders I need to get it all in at the cheep price. Thats why if you only want one or two go bigger in size, or go to the lfs. I've accually neglected the Fish Club, theres a few more members now. But Until I get the fish hut built I'm struggleing to put them some where anyway :blush:
As for delivery, There's a few peps in your area so it would get done in one run. At tops it would be £5.
Once I have 80 orders it would take a month tops to get your fish. One week to colect all moneys, week two would be the weeks notice to the exporter. Weeks 3 and/or 4 Quarintine here and getting a date to pick them up or deliver

Hope this makes it clearer :)
As clear as mud to me :D But the birdies will be cheep cheep cheeping away :laugh: If I want a cheap price from the fish club, I have to wait until there are 80 orders all together? All different fish or do they have to be the same?Ahhh, these typos, these typos :p
Just viewed the clubs prices...not to bad at that...makes me wish I could order...we'd have that minimum order in no time :D :D :D


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