Ok so I have aquired a few new betta boys!! Yay! here are some pics of the new cuties, some rescue some not. Let me know what you think of them!!!
(*Note: the containers they're in are not where they live, they're just in them to get their pictures taken)
Here's Draco, Hes this gorgeous coppery/lavendar color. I bought him because I thought he was gorgeous. I'm not sure what his tail type is, I think hes just a VT with a lot of finnage, but I'm not sure. So if anyone has any ideas let me know.
Heres Kelso, Got him from a very good LFS to hopefully breed. If anyone has a red female CT for sale let me know (solid, cambodian, marbled or butterfly)
This is Stewie, he belongs to my boyfriend, he fell in love with him! hes a cutie
Here's Ace, hes missing part of his tail and stuff but hes not really a rescue, I just loved his coloring. Not sure what the future holds for this guy.
And this is Charlie. He's the only rescue in the bunch, was a a local LFS for ages, as you can see almost his whole tail is missing. He'll be fixed up and adopted out in the future.
(*Note: the containers they're in are not where they live, they're just in them to get their pictures taken)
Here's Draco, Hes this gorgeous coppery/lavendar color. I bought him because I thought he was gorgeous. I'm not sure what his tail type is, I think hes just a VT with a lot of finnage, but I'm not sure. So if anyone has any ideas let me know.

Heres Kelso, Got him from a very good LFS to hopefully breed. If anyone has a red female CT for sale let me know (solid, cambodian, marbled or butterfly)

This is Stewie, he belongs to my boyfriend, he fell in love with him! hes a cutie

Here's Ace, hes missing part of his tail and stuff but hes not really a rescue, I just loved his coloring. Not sure what the future holds for this guy.

And this is Charlie. He's the only rescue in the bunch, was a a local LFS for ages, as you can see almost his whole tail is missing. He'll be fixed up and adopted out in the future.