New Fishie On Friday


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
Thats betta number 3 coming climbing up the betta ladder, slowly but surely.

New guys a mg, i love their colours..bettaman sent this pic

sorry liz :fun: mustard gas...just a common name for the colours..usually blue and yellow!

yeah he's lovely :)

Did You Know?

That The Term MG Or Mustard Gas Is Copyrighted. So All Breeders/Traders Who Sell Their Bettas As Musrad Gas Are Committing Copyright Infringement. A Chap Got The Copyright A Few Years Back And Has Been Battling To Stop People Using His Term "Mustard-Gas". A Young Lady Who Got Given A Pair Of His Bettas Bred Them And Called Them "Salamander".

This Extract Was Written By Me But All The Information Is Copyright Of BettySplenden...

PM Me If You Want The Link To The Whole Article

also, proper mustard gas fish are green and yellow. not to burst your bubble or anything. I think they're all lovely. the purple/yellows are my favorite. still, your boy is a pretty one :nod:

the only fish that are technically MGs are fish that are bred directly from the guy's lines (i forget his name now...) any out crossing officially makes the fish not a mustard gas. Seems to me, that the line's doomed to overbreeding and technical extinction... but that's just my thought, there's probably more in that than i know. still, all this linebreeding in bettas, I'm surprised the fish aren't as bad off as purebred dogs or horses...
Jude Als bred the original, i use the term loosely to describe its colours..still the patterns of colours are the same and the yellow is usually always in the same place.



p.s. dont think i'll be breaking for mustard gas and you'll see how many people use it!
got him today...little scare though, nearly missed the postie :X

he's gorgeous and wont stop showing off!! he has got an absolutely HUGE mouth though :crazy:

pics soon.....
got him today...little scare though, nearly missed the postie :X

he's gorgeous and wont stop showing off!! he has got an absolutely HUGE mouth though :crazy:

pics soon.....

glad hes OK i think he has been crossed with a wild plakat hence the larger mouth and thick bodied but he is a show off always flaring he even flared at apple snails....kev

edit spelling
he certainly is a character, gorgeous yellow.

He has settled right in, Kogen is doing better now, just got him over fin rot :crazy:

Cant wait to see your next batch kev

Thanks again

Lovely fish Dan,
Sorry to throw the thread a bit, but Kev when will you be getting your next stock?
James :good:
Dont worry i will let you all know yes the yellow on him is very stromg but as most say i have also thought he was a stunning plakat :good:

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