Ok, went to the lfs and got a new 150 bio wheel penguin HOB filter, a new critter keeper, and a new betta!
He was irrisistable. A cream colored VT betta with celophane fins and splotches of purple and red on his fins and body. None of them were sick, and there was a TON of them there! My lfs seems to put the prettiet ones in the back...(why???) and there were a lot of beauties on the bottom back row. My fish was one of them! I didn't actually find him, some little kid did, and was shaking the bowl, screaming, "mommy, look at THIS pretty fish!" my eyes goggled out when I saw him, the only one with any unusual coloring. The mother of course responded with "don't be silly, we're here for dog food" and the kid set it back down. So he is mine now, and I decided to call him Mica, you know, like the mineral, his coloring reminded me of those mica samples we had to study in school, clear with irridescent colors mixed in.
He was irrisistable. A cream colored VT betta with celophane fins and splotches of purple and red on his fins and body. None of them were sick, and there was a TON of them there! My lfs seems to put the prettiet ones in the back...(why???) and there were a lot of beauties on the bottom back row. My fish was one of them! I didn't actually find him, some little kid did, and was shaking the bowl, screaming, "mommy, look at THIS pretty fish!" my eyes goggled out when I saw him, the only one with any unusual coloring. The mother of course responded with "don't be silly, we're here for dog food" and the kid set it back down. So he is mine now, and I decided to call him Mica, you know, like the mineral, his coloring reminded me of those mica samples we had to study in school, clear with irridescent colors mixed in.