new fish


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
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since i have put new fish in my tank my mollies and guppies don't seem to breed anymore they don't even look pregnant does anyone have any idea about how to get them bk on the reproducing line because i love little babies and would really like some! thanx
What are the gender ratios for each type(mollys and guppys) and when was the last time you got fry from either?
What are your water stats like ammonia, nitrate and nitrite and how many gallons does the tank in which your fish reside in hold? How many fish do you have, their individual numbers and what types?
ok so there are 2 females to every male molly and guppy and i have 4 molly males and about 10 guppy males , i have 1 siamese fighting fish and a pleco in a 4ft tank not sure how many gallons off by heart! i tested the water this morning n the levels were fine and have been all the time, there are plenty af plants to hide in and the water temp is about 25!
So you have about 30 guppys and 12 mollys, no? Sounds pretty overstocked for a 4ft tank- its vital you find out how many gallons or litres there is to your tank otherwise how will you know how much dechlorinator to add?
What are you testing for exactly in your water and what are the exact levels?
Enviromental stress of any sort can cause any fish to stop breeding so this is why i have to ask these questions if we are to find out why your fish aern't breeding :thumbs:
i dont add any dechlorinator to my water as the last time i did my fish didn't last very long since i have left them alone they have been fine but when i added my siamese fighting fish this is when they stopped! i will have to test my water again as i have forgotten give me a moment to test agen! the tank isn't over stocked as everytime i buy a new fish i ask if it's ok to put it in i have other fish in a different tank as there weren't enough room
Post us the water stat results for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite as soon as you can as i feel somthing is realy amiss in your tank if you are not adding dechlorinator; remember to test the water yourself and not at the lfs so you can get accurate results :thumbs: .
Not including the plec and siamese fighter, you have at least 64inchs of fish(guppys=1inch, mollys 3inchs) in your tank making it realy overstocked, you should only have 1inch of fish per gal as a rule of thumb, and you have at least twice that much if we include the plec and siamese fighter...
Im not sure if your water test results are accurate, but i strongly suggest you start using dechlorinator as so your tank can cycle properly so there is less enviromental stress on the fish. The reason why some of your fish may have died when you last used it is that it started to cause your tank to cycle but you had too many fish for the cycle to handle- there's more about cycling tanks in the beginners section of the site on the stickys at the top of the section. But if you want to have healthy and happy fish you need to cycle your tank.
If you want your fish to reproduce and produce healthy offspring, i strongly suggest you rehome 9 of your mollys and 20 of the guppys; do you know what type of plec you have?
Im not trying to be harsh here but only state the facts, but your tank will be much better off with alot less fish and i know others will back me up on this.
Your fish havn't been having fry recently because of the amount of fish you have in the tank and their bioload and the stress each others company is causing to another and the likelhood that most of them are eating each others fry.

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