New fish

Booboo puppy

Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Bremerton, WA
I bought some new fish today and was trying to do things right. I was pouring the water and fish from the pet store baggie into a net above a bowl so that the pet store water didn't go into my tank. One of the cory catfish got stuck in my net. I couldn't get his little feeler (or whatever they're called) out. I finally cut my net so that there was just a small piece attached to the fish. He was finally able to get loose by himself. I don't know about the fishy, but it was very traumatic for me :sad: Do you think he'll be okay?
Provided there are no noticeable tears in his fin I would think he will be alright. Might take him an extra day or two to settle in, but by keeping the lights on as little as required he should do good. Do be sure to look closely to make sure he doesn't have any wounds though.

I had the exact same thing happen to me a couple weeks ago. As soon as I saw what had happened, I got the scissors and cut my net. He had a small piece of net (only a strand or 2) still attached when he dropped into the water. I am glad to say that he is doing fine and there is no sign of the piece of net now.
Mine got stuck in the net and then fell out of the tank onto the sideboard! :huh: But he's fine- now, 2 days later I couldn't tell which one it was.
Why should you not add the Water from your LFS to your tank?
newland said:
Why should you not add the Water from your LFS to your tank?
There is always the chance that the LFS has tanks that have diseases and you could transfer it to your tank with the water. I generally don't worry too much about it though as it is such a small amount of water. The only reason I did it on the corys was that it was the first time I had ever bought from that LFS and I just wanted to be safe. Other than that, I generally let them just swim out of the bag once I have acclimated them.
Next time I will just gently pour the water into the tank with the fish. They are still doing fine tonight--I can't tell which Cory was caught. The platy is a little skittish though--not sure if she's just trying to get used to her surroundings or if something's wrong. The harlequins act like they own the place. I love having more fish in the tank! And the Corys are fun to watch which I didn't really expect. I've had similar fish before, but only one at a time. Now that there are other fish in the tank, the baby platys seem to be more active too and none of the new fish are chasing them.
Most catfish have hard cartlage spikes on their doral and side fins. Plecos, corys etc. When frightened they tense their fins and spikes out which get caught in your net.

Best way to get them out is to hang the net in the water and let them swim out. You cutting it causes more stress than them being temporarily caught up.

BTW, putting water from your local fish store in your tank is like licking a public water fountain. It probably wont kill ya, but why take the chance?

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