New fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
South wales
I am gradually adding stock to my tank and have read that you should quarantine fish before adding them to the main tank. I can't do this cause i only have room for the main tank, so i got this stuff, Liquisil. It says to put it in when you add new fish and it will keep all levels of bacteria at normal level, is this as good as quarantine?
Quarantine is meant to keep what maybe an infected fish away from your main tank(s) until its shown itself not to be sick (or at least not showing such). since most diseases show themselves or run in lest than a week a good quarantine time is a week. If the fish doesnt show any sickness after a week generally it s ok to add to the main tank.

Oh BTW you dont need a large tank for a quarantine tank

Liquisil is a great product - I still use it on my "over a year" mature tank.
Up until i started using it I had had 2 white spot outbreaks and lost a few fish even though all my levels were near enough 0 .
I put it in at every water change on all my tanks and am never without a couple of bottles around the place.
Again I have never quarantined a fish prior to putting it in a tank as I only buy from LFS where ther water quality is known to be good. You can never say you'll never pick up an infected fish but with acclimatisation prior to putting them in the tank and use of products like liquisil then you are minimising those risks
I assume you are using the Number 5 General Tonic? From what I have read, as long as you follow the directions on it, you should be fairly safe. Though a quarantine tank is still better.

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