new fish


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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hello everyone sorry it has been awhile since i was in last.. just wanted to update you guys and get your opinions.. 1st new fish for walmarts new fish of the month was a fish called a dojo loach it didn't do well at my store but some stores did ok with it. can someone tell me more about this fish? any help at all would be appriciated.
i read somewhere that they do better in cold water, like with goldfish

and indeed when i took mine out of the community and put it with my goldfish, he seemed happier, although he got sucked into the filter intake and died. R.I.P gold dojo loach.
these look really cool the ones we got look just like the pic's on that link. only thing is all the ones we got in all died within a week.. lost 12 the first time and 24 the second even tried them in the cold water tanks.. don't know what went wrong won't get those again cause to many death's .. sad :(
Ooops, we are in the Catfish forum. Loaches are bottom feeders, but not catfish. I'll move this thread to where the members might be able to advise you about what went wrong with them. :D

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