New Fish


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
I think i need 1 more nicely colored fish for my tank. Any ideas? I was looking at a coral beauty, but i figured it wouldn't get along with my flame angel (same body types and all). Then I thought about the bi-color angel, but they are still related so i'm a little iffy... Throw out some ideas that would be compatible in my tank and not get eaten when my other fish get larger. Right now I have a Niger, 2 Maroon stripe clowns, 1 flame angel, and a fuzzy dwarf lion. Oh, and a blue green reef chromis, but I got him as lunch for the lion when it gets bigger :*) . Thanks for the ideas :fun:
I owuld get a six line wrasse. IT would love all your rock.

I would get one myself, but I have a sunset dottyback that believes he owns every pound of rock I have. :lol:

I was thinking about those so I looked at them on LiveAquaria, but they list it's max size at 3". I would think that would be too small once all my fish grew up... :dunno:

Edited to add some more tank info so you don't have to keep looking at my profile. I have 120lbs or so of LR and a 120g tank that is 60" x 18" x 25" or so. I also have a Berlin Turbo HOB skimmer and 2 cannister filters., a leather mushroom coral and a Colt Coral :whistle:
Harlequin Tusk All the way. Theyre Great! or maybe some sort of anthias
J-money, I've got a pair of Bartlet's Anthias. NICE. The colors are fantasic. Under the 10K they are brilliant yellow with hot to light pink sides, under the actinic (simulating dusk and dawn) they are yellow and light purple. They also have a streak of red from the nose to the dorsal fin. The male has a long spiked ray on the dorsal. Very Frisky...
Sorry for bragging :*) .

I hear there are some nice "fancy" ones too.

Fancy price, I paid $55 for each..... but we expect this fancy tag, don't we. :D

Kim :flex:
i would go with a sunset wrasse, they are very pretty fish and because they are agressive they would get along with your flame angel, hope this helped!
This is a 7 year old thread, fishy...


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