Fish Fanatic
OKay, so my sister's friend is getting rid of her fish and wants to give tham to me
Yay! But my parents are all finicky about too many animals...blah blah We only have my 3 fishies
2 ferrets
and a garter snake, and soon a ball python
... Anyway..I really do have a question.If I do get these fish, Im not sure what the dimensions of the tank are but she said it was 20 gal. With a foot long pleco and a loach that's about three inches long..( she says she hasn't seen it for a while though...what does that mean?
) Does this sound like it could possibly get overcrowded very soon? I read loaches get up to 6 in and with a 12 in pleco.... I'm not sure they'd be too thrilled with a new tank