New Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
OKay, so my sister's friend is getting rid of her fish and wants to give tham to me :D :D Yay! But my parents are all finicky about too many animals...blah blah We only have my 3 fishies :wub: 2 ferrets :wub: and a garter snake, and soon a ball python :wub:... Anyway..I really do have a question.If I do get these fish, Im not sure what the dimensions of the tank are but she said it was 20 gal. With a foot long pleco and a loach that's about three inches long..( she says she hasn't seen it for a while though...what does that mean? :crazy: ) Does this sound like it could possibly get overcrowded very soon? I read loaches get up to 6 in and with a 12 in pleco.... I'm not sure they'd be too thrilled with a new tank :dunno: :dunno:
All Glass's 20-Long is noted as: 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 12 3/4, so I'd say for a 20 regular, that sounds about right.

As for Plecos, I've heard/seem commons get to be a foot or longer. Loaches - I've heard, but not seen, get to be about 8-10 inches. Worse comes to worse, you can trade those fish in for something else you're more interested in. :)
If they're clown loaches (most likely) they can grow to 1'

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