New Fish


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Country - England
The first ever batch of fish i got for my tank were sick. The LFS only had them for 5 days before selling them and have apologised (some of theirs died too). Obviously i now realise the best way to buy fish is to have a quarantine tank set up, which currently I do not have.

I will be going back to my LFS at the weekend and if all is ok allowed to have some new fish. However because of the absence of a quarentine tank I have decided to do the following:

1. Find out how long the fish I want, have been in the shops tank and if any other fish have been added since.

2. If the answer is less than two weeks, ask the shop to reserve them for me to collect after the two weeks are up, the check up on their progress during that time.

3. Find out if they have had any problems with the fish or given any treatments.

Only if the above conditions are ok will i bring home new fish. I believe if you have a "GOOD" LFS who cares for their fish and not their profit this should not be a problem.

What does anyone else think?

Do you have any other suggestion or questions i should ask? :sly:


:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Those are great questions and concerns you have there. Theres something you forgot though, you should ask what they have been feeding the fish and also watch to see if they are eating or if they have swollen or sunken bellies.
It's not always a good idea to ask to see fish eat, especially if they are fairly common ones, which probably will be anyway.

THis is because, with the stress of transport and a recent meal they tend to mess up the bag, where ammonia levels can get high. THis is only really a worry if you have a longish journey though. :)
It's still not a good idea to keep fish without a quarantine tank.

Reasons: What if the lfs doesn't care if the fish are sick?
There are some parasites and diseases that you might not see even after 2 weeks of quarantine.
What if your fish get sick at home?
What if there's a fight between fish?

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