New Fish


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV tank is cycled and the ammonia and nitrites are at zero now. I have 2 Opaline gouramis and 3 gold barbs. Today, we added 2 rainbow fish and 2 african butterflies. I was told that these would be ok with the gouramis and the gold barbs. However, one of the gouramis seems to be a bit aggressive. He has been chasing the other gourami around and is now chasing the rainbow fish I just put in. Any ideas? Is it just a bad gourami or are they not compatible? Would like for them to all get along. On a good note the african butterflies are very pretty and seem to be doing great in the tank. Thanks
Opaline gouramis are aggressive, especially the males. Judging by its behaviour, I'm guessing your aggressive one is a male. Since he was in the tank before the rainbows, he'd already claimed it as his territory and is now annoyed that they have dared to intrude. He just wants them away from what he thinks is his space.

If I'm not mistaken, the rainbow fish keep to the top if the tank? This only makes things worse, for that's where the gouramis usually like to stay too.

How big is your tank? Are there lots of plants and places to hide in it? It might be better for the rainbows if the gourami simply can't see them all the time. Floating plants would be a good idea too.
I'm brand new to having an aquarium and surely not good at sexing fish, but from what I've read online and pictures I've seen, I believe both my gouramis are males. The more aggressive one is slightly bigger. I've noticed that the less aggressive gourami spots tend to fade a little when he's being bullied. Is this normal? They brighten back up when he gets away and hides. I have a 38 gallon tank with several artificial plants and a big shipwreck thing for hiding. From watching the fish all day now, it does seem like the gourami is claiming territory. He seems to like the upper half of the right side of the tank. He has chased the african butterflies out of his half as well as the rainbow fish, but never seems to bother the gold barbs. Hopefully this is just temporary and they will get along.
I've noticed that the less aggressive gourami spots tend to fade a little when he's being bullied. Is this normal? They brighten back up when he gets away and hides.
From what I know of fish behaviour, pale colours means he's trying to signal to the other gourami that he's no threat to him. So yes, it is normal.

Just be aware that if he gets bullied a lot, he might get so stressed that he can die. :/ Gouramis are sensitive to stress like that. Still, if the smaller one has enough places to hide, he should be fine. Well, as long as he doesn't one day decide that he's had enough of the bullying and begins to fight back... That's why it's recommended to only keep one male per tank.
From watching the fish all day now, it does seem like the gourami is claiming territory. He seems to like the upper half of the right side of the tank. He has chased the african butterflies out of his half as well as the rainbow fish, but never seems to bother the gold barbs. Hopefully this is just temporary and they will get along.
Well, if he's already claimed a territory, it's unlikely that he will give up on it. Mine never did. The best thing to do is to put in as many plants as possible (perhaps you already have that many?) and maybe try to divide the tank into a few different areas with the decor. But then, if he only wants half of the tank to himself, that should be fine. I've heard of a blue/opaline gourami couple that took over a whole 75 gal tank when breeding! No fish were safe. Fortunately that shouldn't be a problem for you, as you have two males. ;)
ok i have 2 gourmis and a stupid ? how do u tell the sex of them, i know how to tell swords,mollies,tiger barbs,mollies but not them hehehe so if someone could tell me that would b great, and thanks ahead
i had 2 gouramis and added 8 nice awesome lil glowlites, the gormais i think were both males bout 2"ers ..anyway the goramis b4 i got the tetras (see in signature what else i have) always stayed at the top of surface, then when i got the glowlites there pretty much mid tank hang outers, and the goramis would go to there level and aggitate the heck out of um!!! the por litte glowlites hid for 4 days all over not shoaling....there tails were whacked up too by tghe goramis, so ya know what i did? gave the goramis to my pet shop guy....i dont want rowdy fish, i want nice small colorful ones, and my barbs (when i had the goramis) also harrased the lil glow lites, now the barbs are cool all buddies NO GORAMIS!!! my glowlites are awesome they are growing and so colorful, they all 8 shoal so nice now and finaly arnt scared anymore even the corys goof around with um + there cool with that too...i have peace!!! in my tank!!! im planning on adding 8 lil cardinals when im cycled i think the 2 shoals of tetras wil look so awesome!!!!! wel shelia hope every one CALMS down in your stable...but my goramis are historty!!! i did feeel bad tho but they went to a good home..there lucky too i was ticked!!!!!! good luck!!!

:nod: :cool:
Actually, my bad garoumi has settled down. He still chases the other goroumi and the smaller fish every now and then, but the butterfly fish usually puts him in has place with a little nip. The fish are doing great and almost always get along now.

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