New Fish!


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I picked up 3 new fish this evening :D . Which I wasn't planning on doing, but oh well. I couldn't leave them there :p . Here they are 2 albino koi swords and a male Pseudomugil gertrudae.


The two young swords I got. I just love the male :wub: . Now I have a VERY varied gene pool with my koi swords with some from Cali. and some from Minn. :lol: . And now I have 9 in total.

The male Pseudomugil gertrudae. He is a little torn up and stressed, but appears healthy. Never thought I would find these locally. This was the only male they had left and I didn't see any females. But He was in a tank with 40+ fish mainly Pseudomugil signifer and Threadfin rainbows :S, so mabey I just didn't see the others. Also I saw for the first time Celestial Pearl Danios for sale :hyper: , but I turned them down :sad: .

Also Have to put up a pic of my other female sword <-she made me :p 8) .
OK. Now I have some very different looking fish. They have been given some blood worms and an hour to settle in.


Its a Party!

Randomness- he wanted some attention

I think am going to have to see if I can get some more of the Pseudomugil gertrudae. Once I figure out where they are going to go :p .
Stunning swordtails you have there.

I like the little rainbowfish, I've seen these in a few shops, very pretty little fish. You'll have to try and get him some buddies.
If im not mistaken that last pic appears to look like a 3-stripe gourami....I bought one that was labeled as a croaking gourami for 1.99.
Great new fish, I like the P gertrude, and the sparkler.
I have some koi swortails ansd they recently dropped fry, i also had 1 jump out the tank and die yesterday night :(

They are lovely fish and btw WOW to the red swrodtail thats beautiful.
Many thanks for the replys
If im not mistaken that last pic appears to look like a 3-stripe gourami....I bought one that was labeled as a croaking gourami for 1.99.
It is a Sparkling gourami (T. pumlia) very similar to a croaking gourami.

I have some koi swortails ansd they recently dropped fry, i also had 1 jump out the tank and die yesterday night :(

They are lovely fish and btw WOW to the red swrodtail thats beautiful.

Yeah the red sword has always been one of my favorite fish. If she is anything like the other one I had, her dorsal fin should eventually turn into a sailfin and reach all the way to her tale. Then she really looks classy B), but a little weighted down by all the finage. She is the one that am planning to cross with the swords, what do you think? I know they will stay albino, but other than that I'm not sure what will happen.

I am planning on moving the red one to the planted tank soon. But I still haven't decided how to house them long term. I still have a divider in the tank, cuz the red and my one adult koi female are still really aggressive towards each other.
i dont know much about swordtails, but i do know that those are sweet! how much did they run you? are they hard to come by?

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