New Fish


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Getting a new fish and I was wondering which one might be more active and healthier, I also need some tips on how to choose a healthy betta fish. Thanks
I got 99 cent store fishes , now I'm planning on getting a better fish because they end up dieing
99 cent store fishes? im confused..

What type of fish do you have?
I think they are delta but their tail are so messed up, it wouldnt go up
Yes, I wanted to know how to shop for a nice bettta, cause I dunno how to pick them. and wondering if delta or crown is better for living alone
bettas are generally pretty hardy fish, and males kinda have to live alone unless its with certain other fish (not another betta). i don't think tail types really matter as to how well they will live, i could be wrong tho.
But how do you choose it? Cause I want a perfect one and I dun mind spending time standing there taking time to choose it
This may sound silly but, are betta's siamese fighters?

If so i thought you could only put 1 male in a tank with as many females as you like.

I thought it was just males that could not be put together as they fight to death.

I may be wrong.

If it is the fish i think they are, then i would always make sure that fins are really nice and not rotten when buying them, with the males having longer fins i would give him a good check over and as long as he looked healthy, i would buy him.

Even though The female has lnot got long fins like the male, i still would give her a good checking over as well.
they are the fighter fish. and if a male betta was in with a lot of females, i hear that he would work himself dead tired with chasing the girls and building nests and etc... Its recommended to only keep one male betta alone (not with a female unless breeding). you can put a male betta with other fish like the cleaner fish, a snail, some tetras (someone else would have more info on this for you). females you can keep in a sorority, like 4-5+ together in a large enough tank without any problems. some people don't have a problem keeping two or three together but it all depends on the fish's personality.
from other things i have read, if all your baby bettas are raised together with the father still in the tank (acting as an alpha fish) people have had success in keeping males together (BUT they never separate them for even 5 minutes because thats when they become territorial and start fighting). So, a 2 gallon is preferred to keep a single betta in, male or female, with maybe a snail or something. 5+ gallons you could keep 3 females in together if they got along (which is unlikely unless they all have calm, peaceful 3 girls go at it if i put them together, so I would have to have more then 3 in there together).
As for picking out a betta, personal preference as to what you like to look at pretty much. Checking them over, make sure there is no finrot or other visible illnesses, unless you plan on nursing it back to health if needed and giving it a good home. (when I buy from a pet store, petsmart, petco, walmart, I don't worry about it because I will nurse it back to health and give it a good home).
does that help any?

bettas also like warm, clean water. so you will need a heater and thermometer in the tank if it gets cold where your at. i keep my tanks between 78 and 82 degrees F. and keeping it clean, means partial or complete water changes and making sure the PH and all that is ok, either using bubble buddies (what i use to remove chlorine, and like cycle to help with the bacteria) and test strips to test the waters hardness and alkalinity and ph and such.
Good read that last post, i dont know much about these fish, but that was good to learn a few tips from so thankyou to the last post :)

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