New Fish


Jun 28, 2007
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I'm thinking about getting tiger barbs, a bala shark or two, maybe a silver dollar, and a clown loach. :rolleyes: . Does anyone have any advice? :unsure:
Well, you don't say where you are planning to house them, and the tank in your profile is not suitable, so it is difficult to be precise.

All of the species you mention should be kept in groups, and some of them grow VERY large, so to hold a decent sized group, you will be needing a very large tank. What did you have in mind?
Well I thought if the fish got to big I would sell them. I know it silly but, I have a ten gallon :blush: :S. You're right, should I just get 5-6 tiger barbs instead? :/ :look:
I have to agree with Lateral Line on this one, even (what are relatively) fry of those species are going to outgrow a 10 gal in a few months.

Tiger Barbs are going to be pushing it in a 10 gal as well. You're better off with something that won't exceed 2 inches in a 10 gal IMO.
Get a 29 gallon for those guys. Loaches can grow over 12 inches long, but that does indeed take many years, probably about 12 years to grow to 12 inches. Also the barbs get large fast and as other said, must be kept in good sized groups.

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