New Fish

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Jan 28, 2007
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Heading for a ban.
Yo guys and gals,

picked up 1 of these today, he is an inch long at the moment. He attacked the bloodworms so i know he likes them.
Wondering if anyone has any personal experiences with these cuties?

nope my cameras charging, will have one up today though, he is quite still so picturing him will be easy i expect.


Lovely fish Sevs - I had a pair, but ended up rehoming them as they would of got too big for the tank (40gal) :/

Mine loved bloodworm too, and also the plants and digging them up, lol.

Can't wait to see pics :)
Which tank is it for? If your profile is up to date, you dont have a tank big enough for a sev. He's lovely but he'll need at least a 55g, depending on dimensions, as he could get to 10-12". And dont believe the sites who say they grow slowly, mine went from 1" to 5" in a couple of months max.
A few more pics


And here he is rumaging in the foliage!

Lisaq he will be moving to a bigger tank when i get it :good:

These are cool fish. Right now I have a 2 1/2yr old Turquoise Severum. These fish will eat just about anything even your
plants. So if you like to keep live plants you should do some research on hardy plants.
Another cool thing about this fish is that the older that they get the better they look.
These fish can also change there colors from lighter shades to darker shades.

My severum will eat right out of my fingers. I get my face right up the glass and he will swim up and look me right in the eye
just Cm's away. Mine is also a very peaceful community fish (a little surprising to me). Although he does seem very curios
when my Black Ghost Knife come out at night (not during the day, weird) and gently pokes the Knife with his nose, but most of the time just likes to watch the Knife from a very close distance.
Anyway good luck.

P.S. got answers if you need them.
These fish can grow up to 12" in size. Although this size is rarely seen in captivity. Your severum will most likely
reach a max size of 8"-9" as a full adult.
They grow very fast too if in the right conditions... and are easily stunted in small tanks very quickly..

I have a stunted one that hasn't grown in a year.. it's still about 3''... another I had that wasn't stunted grew about 6'' within a year.
ye they do grow quite quick i had a pair in my 125 gl tank they reached about 5-6 inch in just 4-5 month.

when they got to 6-7 inch i moved them in to a tank of there own as they were showing signs of breeding but would not breed with the other fish in the tank.

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