New Fish


New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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hey i just got some new fish i bought 4 black neons, 1 swordtail and 4 dalmation mollys.

will they be ok with my other fish i asked in shop and they said yes but just making sure.

i got a 45 gallon tank and i got,

2 Angel Fish
1 Tetra
1 Albino Corydoras
1 Leopard Pleco
3 Kuhli Loach
2 Female Guppys

And also how many more fish would you say in this tank ?????????????
Cant see any obvious problems there but then someone else may have experienced differently. That seems plenty of fish already for that tank, i wouldnt add any more personally! x
hey i just got some new fish i bought 4 black neons, 1 swordtail and 4 dalmation mollys.

will they be ok with my other fish i asked in shop and they said yes but just making sure.

i got a 45 gallon tank and i got,

2 Angel Fish
1 Tetra
1 Albino Corydoras
1 Leopard Pleco
3 Kuhli Loach
2 Female Guppys

And also how many more fish would you say in this tank ?????????????

Angel Fish eat Neon Tetras in the wild (I know you have black Neons but you should still be worried about this)
Mollies generally need salt in their water, but some people have been able to slowly acclimate their Mollies to FW conditions.
adding that many fish at one time isdetrimental to your artificial enviornment.

not to mention an angel fish who have been known to cause problems with community fish.

remember, one inch of fish per gallon my friend.
I agree that angels should not be kept with neons or with guppies either. Also, what kind of single tetra do you have? Tetras should be in groups.

I would suggest this stocking instead with your fish.
2 Angels
6 Tetras (same kind)
5 Kuhli Loaches
1 Leopard Pleco
4 Mollies
I added the 7 neons, swordtail and 4 mollys today left them in the tank in the bag(open) for about 15mins like i was told to by the shop and then gently let them enter the tank in their own time.

So far they all seen fine, ang getting along.

I have a black neon tetras, I dont know what the other single fish is it has a whitish stomach but dark brown dots in a line from its head to its tail n then a light shade of brown on tophalf?
I added the 7 neons, swordtail and 4 mollys today left them in the tank in the bag(open) for about 15mins like i was told to by the shop and then gently let them enter the tank in their own time.

So far they all seen fine, ang getting along.

I have a black neon tetras, I dont know what the other single fish is it has a whitish stomach but dark brown dots in a line from its head to its tail n then a light shade of brown on tophalf?

So you posted on if the fish should be added to your tank, 4 people advised that you shouldn't and you added them?! :huh:

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