New Fish


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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Thought i'd share my new fishies with you all! These two girls will be arriving next Tuesday (the morning of my first uni exam :crazy: and i've bought them from RB Bettas :)



And this boy is in Singapore at the moment!! I've bought him from Bettatrills and he should be arriving with Kevin at KG Bettas soon :D isn't he beautiful?? :wub:

Beautiful new arrivals Jess :wub:

Here's the one I'm getting from Betta Trills


So they will be travel buddies coming over together :lol:
Awww, Joby :grr: I tried to get him too but you must have emailed first :lol: :rolleyes: I did especially want the boy im getting though as he has such nice colouring, i think its a really nice contrast, but that boy you're getting was just too pretty and unusual, he's lovely!! :D I look forward to seeing some fry from him!!

And yes, im assuming they are brothers, the coloring looks very similar!

Ooh, im also getting another female from RB Bettas but i've asked him to surprise me with that one so im looking forward to see what i get :D
They are all great on his site, difficult to choose just one :lol:

Look forward to seeing your new girl :D
Awww sweeeet. :wub: I have rather alot coming over from Bettatrills and another guy out there whos sending them to him to be transported with the others to Kevin. :D Actually I have 8 coming. :blush: Eugene took the pics down of the girls I've bought from him already. Only have pics of two of the girls I'm getting.



Am so looking forward to all these beautiful ladies arriving...and one fella. Lol he's gonna have fun on his travel over eh! :lol:
I'm just dancing around waiting for them now. I have 5 boys here already waiting for the new ladies to arrive and settle in then I have to decide which pair will be taking up residence in the spawning tank. :hey: I love all the prep and building up to it. And my youngest boy has finally grown up enough to be ready for a lady.
Eeee am a little bit excited!! :D
My girlies arrived this morning! :D

REALLY well packed (with some free stress coat! :good: ) and with a cute little freebie girl thrown in :D I shall post some pics on a new thread as i need some opinions! :lol:
Not long to go know and they should be here will be talking to Eugene tomorrow so should get dates then..have a few new ones myself coming as well.........just tooo much..excitment cant wait as have some wild coming as well nice rare specimens.......
:rolleyes: You and your wild bettas!! Ugly things :lol:

Nah, just kidding ;) Look forward to seeing what you get in! :D And cant wait to get my new boy! I hop[e Eugene's looking after him over there for me :lol:
I'm with you on the wild ones Jess :lol:

Look forward to seeing what you have too Kev, will have to scuttle up to your fish room again :rolleyes:

Exciting times indeed, I can't wait :hyper:

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