New Fish


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
Took my female blue acara back today and swapped her for a green terror, s/he's only about 1.5 inches and looks so lost in its 4foot tank so i was wondering what dither fish i could put in.
Could congo tetras work or are they too slow if not how about black widdow tetras??

just wondering btw why did you take your acara back?

so you now have a small green terror you do know they grow 8 inches?

i wouldn't reccommend any small tetra's with the green terror.

i didnt like how the females looked when older and i couldn't find a male anywhere so i did some research and really liked the GT so did a swap at my lfs

What do you think i could put in as a dither fish, I don't think silver dollars would fit in a 55 gal with a fully grown GT so do you think it should be a GT only tank?
read that giant dianos would work but would much rather a larger tetra if possible
do you know if your GT is male or female?

and you do know how aggressive the adults are even though they are calm and laid back when juevi's then turn into 'terror' adults.

what about another GT?

how is the tank set-up like plants, rocks etc.?

i'm not sure on giant danio as i don't know much about them they grow about 4inches right?

if you really want some sort of characin i would go with something about 5inches to live with the GT but i duno if everyone else thinks this aswel.

i'll have a look for some large characins in a minute and then i'll get back to you.

how about.....(not sure on tank sizes with the GT btw)

list of fish i haven't got links for and don't know alot about so forgive me if any of these are a big no no.

boulegerella maculata

ctenolucius hujeta

leporinus striatusv (most of the other leporinus species aswel)

schizodon fasciatum

anostomus varius

anostomus trimaculatus

pibucus caudomaculatus

phago maculatus

distichodus sexfasciatus

sorry if any are unsuitable for the green terror and your tank but these are just based on their adult size and tank size needs.

i was thinking of the silver dollars but i thought they would be too much when the GT is fully grownbecause they like to be in groups of 4-5

EDIT: not sure if he's a male or female. is only about 1.5 inches. think he's too young to sex yet
i had a 1 " green terroir in a 2ft for about a month, now hes in a 4 ft tank and hes only 3 months old and is currently 6.5" they grow very quikly so be prepared, i keep him with a frontosa cichlid and oscar and a choclate cichlid. i have found they are less agressive if you keep them with the larger m,ore agreessive cichlids that dont include dempsys or texas' theyd rip him apart... dont even have ideas about dovii. :p
i don't want another cichlid with him, was just thinking of a smaller school i could put with him, but im not sure if its necessary

i just got a green terror. he's about 3". I have him in a tank with another cichlid, the name has slipped my mind... menasomething? they are getting along for now. i have htem in a 60 gallon 4ft tank. they actually seem to get along, maybe i got well tempered cichlids? Anyway, the terror is beautiful and i hope i wont have any problems with it.
i had a 1 " green terroir in a 2ft for about a month, now hes in a 4 ft tank and hes only 3 months old and is currently 6.5" they grow very quikly so be prepared, i keep him with a frontosa cichlid and oscar and a choclate cichlid. i have found they are less agressive if you keep them with the larger m,ore agreessive cichlids that dont include dempsys or texas' theyd rip him apart... dont even have ideas about dovii. :p

is that as in african frontosa chiclid if it is shouldn't it be in different water param's ??? and what size tank do you have all those fish in?

btw as terrors get bigger they learn other fish are weaker (if the other fish are not like a oscar or anything)and so they boss the others if their weaker or smaller and they become alot more aggressive

I don't see why you couldn't keep 4 silver dollars and a green terror in the tank.. assuming it is 55 gallons or more. Considering the green terror is still young, you could get silver dollars that are larger then the GT, and I don't THINK you'd have problems.. but it seems like your LFS will take things back, so it's always something you could try out and take the silvers back if the GT doesn't take kindly to them.

Maybe someone else has tried it and could offer some more insight. I love silver dollars and have kept them with all sorts of aggressive fish, but never GTs.
they have 1 inch long silver dollars at my lsf,do you think i should get those or try and find ones thatare larger than my GT as he's only 1.5 inches right now.

The tank is approx 48 inches long x 15 inches deep x 16 inches tall, is that enough room for silver dollars and a fully grown GT do you think

I thought so, but in another thread someone else said no.. so you might want to wait and see what some other people say. I've never tried it, but I was just thinking size-wise I didn't think it would be too overcrowded.. but as I said wait and maybe someone else has tried it and can offer you more info.
yes i did an experiment, the aquatics was informed and ive had this frontosa for a while now and hes perfectly aclamatised to the same conditions as these other fish, its a very impressive tank :) im proud of the outcome.

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