New Fish!


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I've kinda wanted to try my hand at breeding for a while now, and I know what people say on this forum: "Don't breed veiltails, you'll never be able to get rid of them!" So I searched Aquabid's delta section(becuase I'm cheap)...and I found 2 different pairs that I was interested in. One was steelblue and the other was a pretty red/orange. So here's the fishy I won!


He's so pretty. ^.^ No idea what the female looks like though. Hope she's nice.
Wow! Thats a very pretty boy! :wub: Good luck with him, I hope he's a good Dad.

And... YES, good thinking to go with a nice Super Delta instead of a VT for spawning.
Thanks! I figured if I'm going to get up to 100+ babies, I might as well make them easier to get rid of. :lol: Anyone know what other colors/types of betas I could breed him or the female with to make some interesting babies? :) after my first spawn I don't just want more red/orange babies. :D

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