new fish


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
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Last friday i bought 4 clown loaches and 2 spotted frogs. its now wednesday and both the fish and frogs seem to hide in the bushy plants i have near the filter! im worried as they havent taken the blood worm i give every 2 days and dont seem to come out of the plants! are they ok? should i take the plants out?
What's your temperature set to? My clown loaches always hid in the loach "house" until I got ich in the tank - once I turned the temp up to 84 or so to get rid of the ich, out they came. I've backed it down to around 80 or so and they still stay out most of the time now. Used to have the tank around 76 or so.
In my experience,clown loaches can be quite shy when introduced to a new tank.In time they will settle and be loads of fun to watch.The plants would be best left in the tank.HTH.
Clown Loaches as said before can be very shy when first introduced. Provide lots of places for them to hide and I would suggest leaving the plants in. When I got mine i thought one had died because I did not see it for days until 1 night after the lights were out I saw it appear out a hole that I didnt even know existed.

Good Luck with them fantastic fish to watch after they overcome the shyness.

what about the frogs? i took plants out and clowns were ok better after taking them out but may put plants back! cud only find one frog not sure where other was! maybe was eaten???!!!!!
I would definitely suggest putting the plants back in(are they still alive?.....I am sorry ,but I know nothing of keeping frogs,except to say that if I did......I would keep them separate to my fish.I know this probably doesn't help you at all.....its just when I first set up my tanks,I loved frogs......but my knowledgeable friends said it was a no-no.
well the plants are a pain as keep shedding bits everywhere and were brown in the middle! took them out and kept them in some water so may put them back in tomorrow!
Please don't put the plants back in if you don't want to. As long as there are hidey places in your tank....your clown loaches will be fine.After a short while....they probably won't use them anyway.
So sorry not to know about frogs.

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