New fish?

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Oct 12, 2004
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I'm seeking a new fish. Just one fish or pair, not shoaling fish.

pH 6.8
very soft water
NO3 0-5

Fishes: 6 panda corys, 8 glowlight danios, 4 amano shrimps

I don't want to watch corys being teased so new fish must be kind. I already have or have had chocolate gouramies, sparkling gouramies, licorice gouramies, dwarf gouramies, honey gouramies, apistogramma borelliis. So not those fishes again. I don't want any big fish either. Also, there is no killies in Finland, so not those.

It seems hard to find suitable fish. Help. Any ideas?

And the tank is this one. 96 liters / 24 us gallons
If it's a tallish tank an angel fish would appreciate soft water and I don't think it would bother corys at all.
im not so sure your tank is big enough for fully grown angels.

how about a pair of ram or butterfly cichlids as these are great colourful cichlids and they stay small
My golden eyed dwarves have impressed me no end- in the right light the irridescent scales on the male are really beautiful and they are really interesting to watch-

I have also heard on the net that they are one of the few cichlids that can remain in a community setting when breeding without terrorising other tank mates- this was on the net, but I have not tried it so can't vouch personally.
Hi thapsus,

Are you looking for a breeding pair or just 2 fish to look nice, if it's the latter i would go with 2 female platies as they come in loads of colours and really stand out in the tank. Sometimes they follow each other around and sometimes they do their own thing. If you want a breeding pair i can only think of gourami but you have had those already.

yesyes i also say platies. (i have a few and i love them!) oh and your tank is beautiful by the way :drool:
Thanks to all. I appreciate all answers.

Angels are too big. Here in finland 250 l is kept as minimum sized tank to angels. They are also just too big fishes to my taste. Sorry.

Cichlids are nice but I'm worried that they will harm cories. What is the scientific name of golden eyed dwarves? I will find out more of them. :nod:

I'm looking for something to complete my stocking. It doesn't need to be colorfull or breeding pair, just intresting and new. :)

Platies are pretty but they will not like my water. Platies are very delicate here. Finnish water is not for them, too acidic and soft. Their spines will distort in no time. My parents have them in pH of 7 and hardness of about 6 but thats too soft too. They don't last long.

I don't want to reject all your ideas. Just didn't bite yet. Sorry.
A couple of female swordtails maybe?

A Betta? Though I don't know how nippy the Danios are, as I've never had them...Or since you don't want big fish, maybe a few Badis Badis, or a pair? :)
Sorry to go off the topic, but what is the plant growing in the middle of your tank with the long thin leaves?
@ombomb, thats crinum calamistratum.

Thanks to all.

Female betta sounds nice. Glowlight danios or not very danio-like and not nippy at all. Badis badis is my dream, but would they get along with cories and would they get enough food?
Re; the golden eyeds

Nannacara Anomala- the male is irridescent so if you look around the net you will see piccies of them looking all sorts of shades- it all depends opn your shading and lighting... There is LOVELY photo here

I don't know if they might be a little common for you though? Not sure if you are looking for something really unusual- all I can say is mine started hand feeding very quickly, are very peaceful with tank mates- in my case a shoal of tiny neons- though occasionally fractious with eachother and are just no trouble at all.

I am hoping to finish off my tank with a small shoal of corys sometime soon so I could report back with what happens then if you like?
thapsus said:
Female betta sounds nice. Glowlight danios or not very danio-like and not nippy at all. Badis badis is my dream, but would they get along with cories and would they get enough food?

Okay, if they aren't very nippy a Betta should work. Male or Female.

I have my Badis Badis in with Cories, and they get along very well. They each have their own little caves, and they don't bother each other. For the's a little tough to feed them, because mine refuse to eat flakes. They only like the meatier foods, so that tank ends up getting those foods a lot. Mine are still pretty tiny, so they eat the little pieces of food that get pushed down by the filter, and also the little particles of food on the plants. I'm guessing they are getting enough food, because they have been going strong for 6+ months and they have gorgeous coloration. :wub:

You might want to ask in Oddballs (I guess it would be?) and see if anyone else has any thoughts on them, because I'm not really an expert. :)
A female betta sounds good,a malle could get too stressed with the tetras.Sordtails and guppies are colourful hardy fish if they go with your water.thats all i can think of really.I would go with dwarf gouramis myself though.
mabe badis badis would work but ask first!
germanshepherdlver said:
A female betta sounds good,a malle could get too stressed with the tetras.Sordtails and guppies are colourful hardy fish if they go with your water.thats all i can think of really.I would go with dwarf gouramis myself though.
mabe badis badis would work but ask first!

Guppies are not hardy fish anymore in the least. They are so inbred now, that they die with the slightest change of anything. Also, they might get stressed too, if the Danios are nippy. Though he says they aren't so I guess that is not a problem. Still...I wouldn't go for Guppies. A female Betta sounds the best right now, to me. And second best would probably be the Swordtails. :)
I was alrady almost certain that I will take female bettas. Then I saw that I have glowlight danio fry in the tank. Fry seems to swim at the top where no other fish of mine goes except glowlights sometimes. So maybe bettas isn't that good choice anymore if I want fry to survive. Bettas will surely hang at the top and eat my babys. So no bettas then, they would also probably bin too colorful to me at the end...

So, I'm searching again.

Nannocara anomala is great suggestion. I like those very much. But again I'm afraid for the cories. Golden eyed dwarves are probably very kind cichlids but still. Maybe I take these to my other tank.

Guppys will not be happy in my soft and acidic water and neither are swordtails. So not those or mollies or platies.

It seem to impossible to find perfect fish species. So I'm thinking of putting few vampire shrimps, Atya gabonensis, to this tank. They are beautiful, will not harm my fish and are big enough to be the "main fishes". Only doubt here is that will I ever see them in those bushes...

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