New Fish With Unknown Identity


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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This is the newest member of my family. Unfortunately, we do not know what type of fish it is. I believe that he/she is some type of goby but am not 100% sure. I got him from my local pet store where they did not know much about him. He seemed to come in with a shipment of ghost shrimp. He is tiny -- no more than 1.25" long. He is currently quarentined in a 5.5 gallon aquarium. I want to give him the best care possible -- he is full of personality and I enjoy watching him. Thanks ahead.


This is the newest member of my family. Unfortunately, we do not know what type of fish it is. I believe that he/she is some type of goby but am not 100% sure. I got him from my local pet store where they did not know much about him. He seemed to come in with a shipment of ghost shrimp. He is tiny -- no more than 1.25" long. He is currently quarentined in a 5.5 gallon aquarium. I want to give him the best care possible -- he is full of personality and I enjoy watching him. Thanks ahead.

I'm fairly certain it is a darter species of some kind, I'm not very experienced with the darters as a whole to give a positive ID on the species though.
Can't do much on the id part,
But I had two of these fish for almost a year,
very hardy, actually good swimmers even though they seem to hop along the bottom alot.
LOOOVE blood worms, they lived with three bumble bee gobies, very peaceful.

Word of caution, lost both when they managed to jump, wiggle they're way out of their tank. The lid had no more than a half inch gap.

Really miss those little guys, used to swim up and beg for worms at the surface.

Enjoy Buddy!!

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