New Fish With Piccies- Vt?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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Ok went to my local pet shop and they still had this boy. I have bought him and am going to take him to school for my classroom. I think he is just a pet shop veil tail but his fins are not very long. He is, isnt he? There was another betta in there as well earlier this week unfortunately the shop assistant put him in her tank and he lasted 4 hours! :-( Angels in there as well.
awww hes very pretty :wub: are you going to give him a name?
He's so cute, he has beautiful coloring too!

Yes, he is a VT. His fins are shorter because he looks to have fin rot. Bettafix should help that :)
:/ I am sure he hasnt got fin rot. Just been looking at him and there is no sign of it. The one I got from the shop a week or so ago was probably from the same breeder and his fins are very similar in length. I must not get too attached though, but he cant go to school until next week anyway. Need to get the water and tank sorted!

I thing I'll let the kids name him so it will probably be red power ranger or barbie! :lol: :lol:

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