New Fish Settling In Well


Fish Fanatic
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

Well my tank has fully cycled now and my ammonia and nitrites are 0 and all my fish look very happy plus I have four new Swordtails which are beautiful fish.

Can anyone tell me what food these fish like to eat as when I put micro wafers in for the Tetras the Swordtails seem more interested in eating my plants ?
Good news Cazangel :D

Are the swords actually eating the plants? Or are they picking off algae. Both platys and swords are partial to a bit of algae.

The only way you will find out which food your fish like is to try different types. Most community fish will eat flakes. Try scrunching the flakes up into smaller pieces, if they don't seem interested in big flakes. Your fish may not realise that micro wafers are food ... if they were fed on something different before. Sometimes it can be worth asking the lfs where you bought the fish, what they fed them on ... so you know what they're used to.

I don't think swordtails are known as fussy eaters, though. If you leave it long enough, they'll soon get to realise that micro wafers are edible!

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