New fish problem...

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Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
So i got some new goldfish for my pond, and one is sitting on the bottom just moves to another place and sit on the bottom, could it be swimbladder, all the otherfish seem fine is there anything i can do or check on it? haven't relly had a sick fish before

Is the fish eating??? I dont know nothing at all about goldfish.. Mabey it is just getting use to the new place.
being transported is a stressful experience for any animal, and fish are no exeption.

it is probably just getting used to the new water chemistry and surroundings etc.
tropical fish hav similar behaviour too, as my mollie, which i got on sunday, would hide near yhe bottom and refused to eat until today so i wouldnt worry about it ;)
Hmm I don't think it could be a swimbladder infection, if it was then the fish would probably be swimming upside-down or vertically :blink: I'm sorry I don't think I can help any more, but by the process of elimination perhaps you'll find your answer -_-
It is probably just getting used to its new surroundings, the conditions are bound to be different from its previous home, if there are bigger fish in with it then it may feel intimidated by them. My cobalt gouramis sit on the bottom all the time and there is nothing wrong with them, they're just the newest and smallest fish in the tank.
okay thanks then, wasn't sure all the others were haveing no problems so I thought i'd check

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