New Fish Owner


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
Hey everyone how is everything going?
So my friend told me that as a new fish owner I should join a forum to help ease the learning curve. I have to admit I didnt think there was much to it til I delved deeper into it. Very expensive and fish are kinda delicate, Ph levels and all. Have a pool so I understand a lil bout that.
Ive had a a 29 gallon tank for about a month now. On Jan 1st I purchased a 55 gallon and have been letting it cycle and adjust til I transfer the fish to it.
I have 2 rainbow sharks, 2 chinese algae eaters, 1 common pleco, 1 cherry barb, 5 tiger barbs, 5 zebra danios and 2 leopard danios. Have had plastic plants but bought 2 live ones for the new tank. Unsuccessful with the bulbs you watch grow 1 has sunk in a month and a half others are still floating.
Been reading some of the self help things on the net and advice from friends that are fish owners. Any insight is appreciated and welcomed.
Want more fish but kinda want to see what I have grows into first. I would like to get some jack dems maybe a couple oscars dunno tho, heard Id have to place them in a seperate tank. Not with my current fish personalities.
So I added the microbe lift and then night out the other day to the new 55 gallon tank. Checked the all the levels this morning, all are in the safe range. The ammonia had gone up to .25 which was expected. Bought the Marine Land bio filter with tank per friends recommendation. Added the stress coat at 9 am. Caught all the fish and put them in plastic baggies sealable to transfer for a safe temp change. Taking the 55 a lil longer to adjust. Old tank is at 76, new at 74. Heater keeps clicking on and off so its still adjusting. Put the fish in for about 15 min since the temps were so close. Moved the houses and deco left the old gravel in the 29 gallon. Want to re enfore the stand as it says it can support 250 lbs. Tank with water alone is 215 and they say gravel should be 1 lb per gallon. That would exceed my weight specs and dont want to be swimming when I return home from work and all my new found pets dead. Better to be safe then sorry. Gonna go with 20 lbs half tank colors for now. Will try and get some pics up in the next few days as Im still constructing it. Kinda of bland right now. I usually shop at petco and walmart for deco and supplies. Any other ideas for non common deco locally?? Live in Florida and dont want to drive to Orlando to special fish shops. Decided to "restart" the other tank with new water and jumpstart it with the Microbe. My akaline is high in well water so thought it would be better to put the other fish that can live in that environment in there. That way I dont have to adjust ph levels naturally or chemically. Havent purchased them but continue to research prospects.
All fish alive. Found a local store. Family owned really informative. Alot of cool decorations too. Added 3 angelfish, 15 neons and 5 black neon tetras and 2 more cherry barbs. Made a decision on that other tank. Gonna go with assorted chichlids, mix of african and americas.

Angels are very peaceful when not breeding so you cant really put any big aggressive grumpy cichlids like oscars or jack dempseys.
I Personally think your fully stocked.

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