I am a new fish mom, going on a month now! My thread may be a long one as it’s been quite the ride! On an impulse I bought a tank off of Facebook. Little did I know this tank came with the fish as well. I didn’t know much about fish as I took them on (I planned to do more research as I let the tank set, or “cycle” for the week). I used the water that was already in the tank (10gal, 6 neon tetras, 2 coy cat, 2 snails, and one black skirt) not knowing what I should be looking for. After a couple days of owning the fish I noticed they weren’t swimming around the tank but staying around the bottom and the black skirt was hiding in the corner. I brought the water to the local pet shop to be tested and the ammonia was as high as it could be. To me that meant nothing as I still had very little knowledge on fish. After a water change and three days of stability the ammonia did not change. I got them a larger, 20 gal tank, with brand new water and bought the API Freshwater Test Kit, and since then the water has tested near perfect. Ph around a 7.0 Nitrites/Nitrates/Ammonia at 0. I read about black skirt tetras needing to school and bought three more after the tank was testing good for a week. One of them passed a few days ago after getting stuck in a decoration (which I then removed the decoration). The water is testing about the same with nitrites at .025, and I have been adding stability every 24hrs for now 5 days. (My timeline may be a little skewed as I don’t remember exact dates) Three days ago I bought 3 white skirts and one black skirt. They are now darting at each other and don’t seem to be schooling like the original group of four were. Being that I’m new at this I don’t know what is normal behavior and what isnt and I am beyond stressed out! I just want my babies to be happy and healthy and it’s so hard to tell what is abnormal behavior in fish as I read so many different things! I am working on adding more live plants in hopes that giving them more hiding spaces (as I will not be adding any more decorations I’m scared, I have one large log and a rock and about five live plants) will help with their anxiety. I am also ordering an air stone/bubbler. Not to mention I can’t tell if the neon tetras are spawning or if they’re bullying each other too! Super long story short: I am here to read more, learn more, and maybe get more advice on how to ensure my fish are living the best life possible.