new fish lol


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
my best mate has gone on holiday and im looking after her goldfish.A black and gold one called pebbles
he has had the crappyest life

1.he was won at a local fair
2.he lives in a 1gal bowl(tried telling her but she wont listen)
3.He gets cleaned about 1nce a month! :crazy:
4.He fell down the sink and his tail nearly snapped off leaving him with a huge scar accross his tail and he also only has half a fin
5.He was attacked but the cat and now lives in a shoe cupboard!! :crazy:

so i offered to take him for 2 weks while she goes to florida :thumbs: hes been put in the 44gal with my lonley goldfishwhich is about the same size(better than his bowl lol)an hes swimming around in some CLEAN water.He looks loads happier :D

sorry for the pointless post!
Any chance you could tell her he died and keep him yourself instead?
If you do that, DROP THE BOWL! Then she can't torture another one :) Or show her how happy he is in the bigger tank, she might let you have it.

here he is
a doubt shell let me have him and i couldnt pinch him :lol: she is at my house every day.Ive offered to buy her a tank as wel for him but sha says that she has no room for it.

see the scars?there healing nicely!
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
buy her some plastic ones and put them in the bowl and try to trick her lol
:lol: keep the fish, at least it will have a good home.
Cant you make something that looks like him get it all slimey and put in a bag. Tell her it died and when she askes about your "new" goldfish tell her that someone gave it you.
i wish i could but i dont think i could find anything that loks remotly like him.....ya never know she might lett him stay but i doubt it.

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