New fish just laying on the bottom

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Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
So I bought 2 new fishies today. 1 angel and 1 id shark. Put them both in the quarentine tank. Water paramiters are fine. My adult angel lived in that tank for 5 years and is perfectly happy and healthy in her new tank so its not the tank. The 2 fish went in about 5 hrs ago and were disoriented at first. The angel has snaped out of it and has eaten (quite enthusiasticaly) The id shark has done nothing but run into the walls. Now he is just laying on the bottom. Wont eat. Didnt even flinch when I dropped a sinking pellet right on him. Then he jumped up swam away like he was fine only to go to the other corner of the tank and lay down again. Is this normal for that kind of fish? Somehow i doubt it. If he is sick, any ideas what the problem is. He was swimming around just fine at the store. :-(

I don't know anything about id sharks, but I wouldn't get to concerned just yet. Some fish just take a while to adapt to their new surroundings, whereas some adapt quite well. I'd give it a day or two. Let them settle in quietly w/o the lights on and minimal activity around the tank. They should be fine.
What kind of shark is it???? and what is the Ph at most sharks like ph around 7.0 Lrt me know what kind of shark you have and I might be able to help you that is the kind of fish I keep I havent lost not one yet.
Thanks fishkeeper sharks and Angels. He is an iridescent shark. I just found out I got suckered. I think the lfs is looking forward to the day I have to go back in and buy a new huge tank. :*) I will have to go check the ph. Ill be back in a bit.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention he still wouldnt eat breakfast.

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