new fish in tank


New Member
Sep 10, 2003
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I have had my tank up and running for about three months now. I have two rosy barbs, three raspora tetras and a plecosthomus and today i added two new tetras (i'm not sure of the type, but they have a neon blue stripe down their back), one of which i believe has one bad eye. i've been watching my tank for about a half of an hour now and the new fish seem to be chasing the old ones around. is this something that should concern me, or will it slow down as they adapt to the new tank? i didn't think that this particular type of fish was agressive and this is why i am concerned. Thanks.

Hello there,

Could you give more info on the new fish? The size, what their fins look like, possible other colours? There are a number of tetras with a blue stripe on the back. If they have red on them as well, they could be neon or cardinal tetras. If not, they could for example be emperor or blue emperor tetras.

Tetras in general are not aggressive, so hopefully they will calm down and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I would suggest that you find out what kind of fish it is, just in case.

As advice for the future, do not buy fish if you don't know what they are. Find out their behaviour, water requirements, size etc. before buying them, it could save you a lot of trouble in the future.

By the way, what is a rasbora tetra? There are rasboras, which are cyprinids, and tetras, which are characins, but I have never heard of rasbora tetras. Both tetras and rasboras in general are shoalers though, so they want a group of at least 6, preferably more. The same goes for the barbs.

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