New Fish! Gouramis, Bettas, Bristlenose, and Fry!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
So yeah. Here are my other not-so-new-but-because-I-didn't-have-a-camera-I-couldn't-take-pics-till-now fishies. :lol: :p :D :fun:

Hope you all enjoy them. :wub:

First off, one of my new CT Bettas, Daruis. This guy is soo purty, but he absolutely hates having his picture taken. :X These aren't the best, because I didn't want to stress him out any more than he already was. :/

Next up, my new Pearl Gourami. :wub: I used to have three of these beauties, but two of them didn't make it. :sad: They were just too beat up by the Betta they were housed with at the lfs I got them from. :-( This one is still healing, but is looking better every day. :wub:


Thanks guys! :wub:

I love Draco too. He's such a sweetheart. He's actually got a bit of purple at teh base of his tail and dorsal fins, but the camera didn't pick up on it. :wub: :wub:
Daruis and Draco are gorgeous! :wub:

:D Congratulations on the guppy fry! They're so tiny and cute!

I love your Gouramis! :nod: Your Pearl Gourami is beautiful!
That pearl is still a baby huh? They get more beutiful as they age, my 4 inch pearl gourami is awesome :thumbs: Maybe just because he's a male :lol: Great shots :)
aww those breeding traps are so usefull arnt they my platy fry are in one the same as that. Great fish i want a betta but i cant.
And that bristle nose. GREAT colours on it. :D

Thanks very much all! :wub:

dwarfs - The Pearl is pretty big, so I didn't think it was a baby... :unsure: It's almost 3 inches, now. Maybe I have a female then...? :/ The Opaline is smaller, just under 2 inches. :nod: Really, the camera did not do them justice at all. The Opaline is a beautiful blue, and the Pearl is a bright pink. :wub:

Jimmy927 - Thanks! :wub: Yeah, breeding traps are great. I actually have a growout tank, but it's being used as a hospital tank at the moment. :rolleyes: I love my Bristlenoses too. I've got two females and one male...hoping they will breed. :nod: :wub:

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