New fish for new tank


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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New York
Well heres the thing..ive already got an 18 gallon tank with 1 pleco 1 sm texas chiclid which is now med/large a sm firemouth , 1 short and 1 long fin tetra.....and that ones going well but now i have this old tank i found whihc im thinking is around 35 gallons or so possibly a bit more.....and currently im really into possibly breeding guppies but the again since the tank is fairly large for just guppies my question is what kind of say med to larger fish will go good with them...and im not really into like angelfish kinda thing is there anything say like idk how to explain it but im not into the kinda slow graceful fish....but if u can somewhat get an idea of wut im asking please help me here~!~!thanx
African mbuna cichlids. You could put some labs in there to begin with and then maybe some others but realy I think you should move the fish in your 18 gallon into it and use the 18 to breed guppies. I also don't know what your 'shrot-finned and long-finned tetra' are but I'd likely leave those in the 18 with the guppies and get a few more as they need to be in groups of 6. You do realise texas cichlids get to 12" right? The firemouth to 6" but it's still a predator that may eat small tetras... You'll be needing a bigger tank for the texas soon anyway so it'll only be temporary and then you can make the 35 gallon an mbuna set-up :)
As for the pleco - if it's a common, move it with the texas. If it's something that stays small, leave it in the 18 gallon with guppies/tetras etc.
As sylvia said, and don't forget to introduce yourself in the newbie forum.


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