New Fish-Dwarf Blue Gourami


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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I just purchased a blue gourami to put in my 12 gallon tank which has 5 zebra danios and 2 panda corys. The gourami is just hanging out at the top and bottom barely swimming around.... is this normal?
Hi there, i`ve got 3 dwarf gourami`s and their forever on the move all around my
tank, maybe she`s stressed, give her time and keep a close eye.
ive got a blue garoumi and he's pretty calm. he moves arounf a little but slowly.i think this is normal. when something stresses him he hides and doesnt move. maby yours is stressed form the move and will be fine or maby thats just his personality.

congrats though, their great fish with allot of personality when you get to know them :)
Dwarf Gouramis like to be in groups and are much more active in a group of 3-6 from what I've seen out of mine. I keep one male to every two to four females also.

These guys can be sensitive and can get ill pretty easy. Just watch him/her because sitting at the bottom not moving is a sign that your fish may very well be sick. If you see any damaged fins or rotting fins get some melafix. Every dwarf I get from my LFS I have to keep in my 15 gallon plant grow out b/c they always have something and this is what they do. Not active and sit at the bottom. Treat with melafix for about 4-7 days and they are all better.

Thats all i can tell you. Got a pic? keep us updated

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