New Fish Disappearing


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2005
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Hi All

I have 1 Lampeye that came in with some Kuhli loaches a couple of months ago, I did not think it would survive in my tank as it was quite small but it has, so Monday I thought I would get some more to keep it happy. I got 7 more, now they were not massive but did not think that would be an issue as the other one survived.
When I got back the 7 that I got were lampeyes but a different type but the old one joined them.

In the monrning I came down and there was only 4 plus my old one
Then this morning there was only 2 plus the old one.

Any idea on who would be eating them as they are not in the tank. My guess it was the Glass Catfish as I cannot see any of the other fish eating them.

Hi Big Mick

I do not know, I will have to have a look behind the tank. There is not a big gap for tubes, 5 in 24 hours not sure.

I have question for you, you have a similar sized tank, how often do you do what changes and what filters do you have?

reason I am asking is that I want to add something new, I was thinking of gourami's but not since 1 in smaller tank is eating plants. Not sure whether I would go over stocked have asked the question before but in 2 minds to get a few more or not.

well dave, my 300ltr is a Juwel Rio 300 so it comes with a built in filter stack in the corner, here is a picture of my angels spawning on it so you can see what I mean...


As for water changes I change about 25% every 2 days.......sometimes I do les but always make sure Ive changed at least 50% within a 7 day period although not at the one time. Thats mainly because of my discus though and I think if you were changing 25-30% a week that would be more than enough, I think in bigger tanks you can get away with less water changes than in smaller tanks but I might be wrong, it more depends on stocking aswell.

Gouramis can grow a fair size, I rescued 2 opaline gouramis from a friends tank, although I didnt want them since they are renound as being aggressive (although they only chase eachother) I have had them in there for a couple of months now and they have been fine but they are still only small, the only fish Ive got that eats lots of plants is my silver dollar.

When it comes to gouramis Im not really the best to ask since I got mine through default and unless I can set up another tank I will probably rehome them but when it comes to over stocking there are all sorts of '1" per gallon' rules etc but really it comes down to two main things as far as Im concerned EXPERIENCE and COMMON SENSE.
Hi All

I have 1 Lampeye that came in with some Kuhli loaches a couple of months ago, I did not think it would survive in my tank as it was quite small but it has, so Monday I thought I would get some more to keep it happy. I got 7 more, now they were not massive but did not think that would be an issue as the other one survived.
When I got back the 7 that I got were lampeyes but a different type but the old one joined them.

In the monrning I came down and there was only 4 plus my old one
Then this morning there was only 2 plus the old one.

Any idea on who would be eating them as they are not in the tank. My guess it was the Glass Catfish as I cannot see any of the other fish eating them.


Dont know what Aplocheilichthys normani is, but can't see anything in your profile that would be agressive enough to kill a fish, soo...How long did you acclimatise the new fish for and how did you go about it? Were the fish from a lfs that was a fair bit away from where you live?
Aplocheilichthys normani is the 1st lampeye.
I have looked down back no fish.

I think I may know who the culprit is, when the lights go off the Lampeyes either go to the edges or near the floating plants. I was watching the fish and all of a sudden one and then 2 tiger barbs just darted towards them and tried to attack them. So I am now pretty sure it is them, they don't bother anything else.

It was a 20 mins journey, and acclimatised them for a while.

Big Mick thanks for the info.

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