new fish die..


New Member
Nov 4, 2003
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I have a 10 gal tank that now contains only 1 male sword tail and 1 female platy. The cycle is finally going well with only traces of nitrite and the nitrate are staying the safe levels.
I had 2 beautiful while lyre tail molleys, 1 male platy and 1 female platy, and the male swordtail. While I was reluctant to add anymore fish, the male sword tail was terrorizing the platies. So I added 2 female swordtails to get the little boogers mind off the platies.
Everything went ok the first day. On the second day, my male platy was not swimming correctly and as I watched the male sword tail began ramming Mr Platy! The swordtaill was relentless! I put Mr Platy in a small 1 gal tank. no filter but an airstone, used water from the tank he had been living in. However he died shortly after.
A couple of days later my female molly suddenly died. Upon close scrutiny, I realized that my male molly had a fungus or something on his fins. Because of their silvery/white color, I just didnt see it before! I moved Mr Molly to the 1 gal tank (after having cleaned it well) , treated him for fungus, but he died within 24 hours.
The rest of the fish seemed ok at this point, but I now have thousands of lil white dots swimming in the tank as well as some tubular worms. I reluctantly added some aqarium salt to the tank per the directions. (there are no scaleless fish in this tank) Well the tubular pest disappeared but the hoardes of white dots remain. Then quite suddenly one of the female swordtails die followed the nest day by the other female swordtail. Both of these girls had been swimming well, eating, etc. Shortly before they died, both of them began to hide but I could find no signs of other illness.
I am now down to the Mr Swordtail and Ms Platy. Ms Platy stays hid a lot because of Mr Swordtail constant amorous advances.
Ammonia 0
Ph 7.6
Nitrites <.5
Nitrates <20
Well water, no chlorine, but I do add stress coat to all new water.
Penguin bio wheel filter, rated for up to 20 gals
2 airstones hooked to a single 10 gal air pump.
50 watt heater
water temp is ~ 76F/28C
substrate is a mix of small and medium sized gravel
3 plastic planets, 2 live banana plants
2 cave ornaments

I am afraid to add any new fish now, but Ms Platy is being chased to death. I am very confused as to what is going on.

Now for getting rid of them dots. Raising the temp may be an answer. How high a temp can I go? For how long? I dont want to add any chemicals if I can help it. Nor do I want to add any more salt. I hope to add a small pleco later on when the rest of everything gets straightened out. I don't have a clue as to how long or how many water changes I will have to go through to get rid of the salt that I have already added.

Anyone got any ideas here?

Kuter :(
All the fish in this tank are live bearers, about the same size. I have neither read of heard of any reason that platys, swordtails and mollies would be incompatible? Have I missed something some where??
Actually platies and swordtails are incompatible. They can easily cross together.
I did find out after the fact that platies and swordtails can cross. That was the reason I had bought female swordtails. In an effort to keep Mr Swordie happy and to give Ms Platy some peace. I don't have another tank to be able to seperate them. I just don't know why the survival rate of any new fish is 0!
I dont' want to bring anything else here, only to kill it! That is not my goal!!
I am feeling like a really bad fish mom at the moment..
umm iv got mollys a plattie an 2 swortails in my tank an they dont fight... how can they be incompatible???

iv also been told by loads off ppl that they go ok together....
Maybe too comapatible is more like it as I have been told they can crossbreed .. swordplatytails??? Who knows?
However I made a discovery tonite. I decided to ad a simple lil comet to my gold fish tank and purchased a rather colorful gold/black trim guy. I brought my new treasure home and put the bag in the tank to acclimate temperature, etc. Just for the heck of it I decided to test the water the goldie came in from the LFS.. wooo hooo!! The ammonia was out the roof!! The only LFS store in my area is Petsmart.
Now this is their procedure:
You tell clerk you wanna fish. Clerk gets a container and net. He/She dips water from any freshwater tank. This is before you have indicated what fish you want. Armed with container and net they catch the desired fish and put it in the container. The fish is then put into a plastic bag. If there is not enough water in the bag, the clerk will get some more water geussed it, the closest tank at hand. At another Petsmart I visited, I noticed that the clerk will at least put some stress-coat or similar product in with the newly caught fish, but not at the store near me.
However, it really disturbs me the the biggest LFS in my area doesnt have a tank that is anywhere near cycled!!
However, realizing this, I really took my time introducing Mr/Ms Comet to my tank. I would take a little water from the bag, replace it with water from my tank. I did this about 4 times over a 2 hr period in an effort to help the fish acclimate to a 0 ammonia environment.
Now folks, back to the Tropical tank with the white dot problem. My 2 remaining fish don't show signs at this time of being ill, but I want all the lil white dots to die! I have done a lil reading on ich and according to one article, ich cant survive more than 2 or 3 days without a host.. yipeee! This is a good thing.
Now I only have a lil 1 gal tank that I can use for the swordtail and platy, with a UGF. These fish are still small and I think they will do ok for 3 or 4 days in the one gal tank if I am very careful.
Second thing about ich. Higher temps speed up the life cycle. I plan at this time to move the 2 fish to the one gal tank and crank up the heater on the 10 gal tank. I read the instructions on the Cycle bottle and it said to not let the product get above 120F. Armed with that information, I should be able to crank up the fishless aquarium to at least 90F without killing off my good bacteria.
Now for the big question. Should I treat the 2 fish in the little tank for Ich? I would hate to go through all this just to reintroduce the stuff back when the fish go home. How would be the best way to do this? All suggestions, historical knowledge, etc, is certainly welcome here.
I am trying very hard not to introduce any chemicals to my 10 gal tank. It is very nearly cycled! 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, trace of nitrate.
I have had this white dot problem a few times. First of all turn off your airstones and see if it calms down a bit. If it does after an hour or so, turn the airstones back on. If the dots are still there and it isn't just air bubbles, I would do a 50% water change. I have found that if this happens to me and I do 50% water changes over a period of a few days, do it one day, skip a day or two and do it again, it goes away. I'm not sure what causes it, but it drives me CRAZY.
Hope this helps.

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