New fish compatability


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, UK
Right, now i have a nice 48 x 18 tank, the 10 platies & 2 angels have toooooo much space :kana: so in a few weeks/month when im sure my parameters are settled (been fine for 3 days so far! :D ) ill be looking to add a few more.

I would like to get 2 clown loaches, they should be fine with the other fish yea?

Also id like a nice looking plec (are they happy on there own?)

I like Gouramis, but hear they may bit a bit to aggresive with my other fish?

and lastly, i currently have 2 angels (young ones), is it ok/safe to add 1 or 2 as id like different coloured ones.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Joey,

You should be fine to add those to your tank. Beware that the plecs can grow huge. There's lots of different varieties though some bigger than others.

I've got 2 honey gouramies and they're fine. Real characters too. They get on fine with every other fish.

Clown loaches should be fine too. Mine have been really shy so far though.

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