New Fish and Feeding habits???


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Hi guys and gals.

I am a relative newbie, couple of months in to first tropical set-up and added 4 little fishes to my tank 3 days ago.

These consisted of 1 platy to go with my existing platy, 1 Borneo Sucker and 2 little corys.

Now I know that the corys will spend a lot of time scavenging at the bottom of the tank but what I need to know is how do I get food down to them without the 2 platys and the 4 danios I have stealing all the grub before it gets to the bottom.

Am I right in saying that any food that falls to the bottom of the tank will be eaten by the corys and also would it be advisable to get some specific catfish wafers that sink like stones for them to feed on??

I am currently feeding a flake that floats and a granule that although it says it will sink it doesn't sink fast enough before the danios get it!! Would people also advise me to maybe give some live feed a tryout with these particular fish I have, I was thinking along the lines of some bloodworm and maybe brineshrimp??

Please help me out here, all advise is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks again
Feed the fish immediately after the lights are out. Don't feed them too late though, as Corys will go to sleep. Make sure you feed them in same place all the time. They'll finally get the idea. Blood worms, shrmp pellets, and algae wafers work well.
Sinking catfish wafers always works for me! :) Or shrimp pellets. ;)
get some sinking wafers. i use ones my hikari, my cories like them. :) try some frozen foods aswell, cories need a meaty diet.
I feed mine sinking pellets and algae wafers and blood worm. Don't worry about feeding in the same place each time, if they are healthy they will find it pretty quick!
Catfish pellets are good, as are algae wafers, but they will get plenty of food from leftovers.

What temp do you run your tank at and do you have a strong current? only ask as borneo (hillstream) loaches are cool water fish that like a strong current. No expert but I dont know the damage that might be done to this fish in a standard trop setup.

They should not be getting enough food from left overs, if you have left overs your over feeding your fish...

Plus my LFS said that if you feed a Cory flake food only that can give them problems with their swim bladders, not sure how true that is though as I don't completely trust them!
I have read that about the borneo/hillstream loaches on another site but my LFS didn't mention anything about any specific needs for it and they are usually pretty good with me and veryt reputable. My temp is 24-25 but I am considering bringing that down slightly to accomadate thge borneo as long as won't affect effect my other fish?

This may sound a bit silly :dunno: , but what will feeding just after lights bring to the tank, is it that the danios and platys won't spot the food as well and therefore the food will sink to the bottom allowing the corys to feed?? Think I am going to pick up some bloodworm and algae wafers as well.

Do the wafers sink very quickly because that is what I would ideally like and also do I just tip the bloodworm into the tank or is it better to use a bloodworm feeder as I do have one of those as well. I have also read that the borneo/hiollstream will eat a similar diet to the corys, is this correct and if not what is the best food for them.

Sorry to ask so many questions guys but I really want to get this right!!

Thanks again

I think the hilsltream laoches are algae eaters but I'm not sure. if so, tehy need different food from your cories, whihc are omnivores with a preference for meat. sinking catfish wafers sink immediately. my tetras nip at them but the cories usually get most.
My pitbull pleco loves the algae wafers but my guppies eat them aswell, night or daytime :fun: He loves cucumber too, but you have to weight it down or it just bobs around on the water. I only give him a quarter of a slice and take it ou after 1 hour.
PS the guppies eat that aswell!!!
How much waste do your fishes make in a week in nitrates? I'm asking because I think you should get at least few peppered corys more. They would be much more happier in shoal.

And also your borneo could do better with a friend or two. I noticed that my gastromyzon become much more lively and happy when he got a friend. Thought, I have also heard that some individuals don't want any company. 24C should be ok for your loach if you don't overstock your aquarium so oxygen level keep high and if you have current in your tank.


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