New Fish Advice.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Ok, so after a lot of thought, I changed over most of the fish in my tank, and I am currently in possession of:
2 Clown Loches
2 Gold and 2 Pearl Gouramis
2 Sailfin Mollies
1 Tiger Plec
1 Common Plec

I did have, for a short time, two Rams, but keeping those ended in disaster and they died off, poor guys.

This, I'm putting down to their apparent shyness that I observed over the time I had them, something I was not informed about by my LFS, and before I could make certain they had died.

Anyway, I'm looking for some small fish now, perhaps some kind of Tetra, and a couple of medium sized fish, I was thinking Boeseman's Rainbowfish.

Anyone any suggestions/advice, specifically on which type of smaller fish to try, that should be available at my LFS? I don't fancy a repeat of what's just happened.

Many thanks!
You shouldn't really have Clown Loaches as they can become pretty large, they are also very social creatures and it would be ideal if you could 'up' there numbers, as stated by Ian H.



On a side note i'm soon to be 'upping' my numbers.
Yeah I heard they can grow quite big, but mine haven't pushed over three inches yet, and if they become problematic my LFS have said they will take them off me.

However, the Loaches for sale there are young, about an inch, would these mix with my current larger fish?

Speaking of sociality, the ones I have are very active and chirrupy, if such can be said of fish. I could never understand what difference having more could make, they stick together as a pair, feed well, always lay side by side (which is awesome to see) and are always exploring the tank, but I've always wanted a few more. :)

So, with a couple more Loaches, size-difference permitting, would that be enough for my tank, or perhaps 5-6 little Tetra-esque fish as well?

A bump, if I may, still seeking some ideas for new fish, to fit in with those already there, all information above and/or in my profile, going to go buying this weekend, so advice welcomed.


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