new finds


Jul 24, 2004
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Just wanted to share with you guys three new girls I got:






The other two don't have names yet, any suggestions? The DT I'm looking for a name that has to do with being unique, different, a rebel or non-conformist, because she was the only one who looked like that in the lot. The CT I have no idea yet.

Curious: how do you know if a female CT is single or double ray?

I'm planning on putting these girls in a community tank, along with 2 others I got before. My problem is, aside from the white one, all the others have been kept in seperate jars at the sellers I bought them from. When they see each other, there is a lot of flaring and trying to "get at" each other. Do you think they could still possibly get along in a community tank? I would hate it if someone ends up killing another... :sick:
Usually flaring and a little nipping is all that happens. I would try it out if you have a large enough tank, and you could always remove them if it didn't work out. But only if they are all about the same size.

btw, that DT is amazing :drool:
Thanks, guys! She's my favorite, too, I can't believe my good fortune. Found her and the crown in an LFS, and I had never seen a DT or heard of one in my country (Philippines) before. I was even suspicious at first that some breeder just cut the tails, but since the dorsal was long, I figured it was the real thing. :D

I guess I'll wait a little for her and Seraph to grow some, they're smaller than my other girls. Meanwhile I'm keeping them within one another's sights, hoping they'll get used to one another.
Lovely girls Kittycat :wub:

I have added my girls one at a time to my female community. I only have 3 in there so far and none have come from the same batch as they've been bought a week apart from eachother. So far they are getting on ok but there is flaring and some "butting" but no nipped fins or any damage. I hope you manage to get your girls together safely
Kittycat said:
Just wanted to share with you guys three new girls I got:






The other two don't have names yet, any suggestions? The DT I'm looking for a name that has to do with being unique, different, a rebel or non-conformist, because she was the only one who looked like that in the lot. The CT I have no idea yet.

Curious: how do you know if a female CT is single or double ray?

I'm planning on putting these girls in a community tank, along with 2 others I got before. My problem is, aside from the white one, all the others have been kept in seperate jars at the sellers I bought them from. When they see each other, there is a lot of flaring and trying to "get at" each other. Do you think they could still possibly get along in a community tank? I would hate it if someone ends up killing another... :sick:
The first female has some very nice finnage especially her tail its round! :hyper:

The DT is just. :wub: :hyper: :wub: But are u sure its a female looks manly.... :flex:

Ur CT female is a Double ray

U can tell in those pictures ur ct has to rays at the end. Making her a DR check Julies pinned topic above for more answers. :thumbs:

Also i wouldnt do the community tank thing females tend to get nasty.,. :/
She doesn't look like a double ray to me. :dunno: As Joker said, there is more info/explanation in my pinned topic. HTH. They're all beautiful, I loooove the DT! Her coloring is very unique. :hyper: :wub:

Edit: Now that I studied those pics, I think the DT may be male too. Can you see an oviposter? I can't.
i think that the DT should be amelia, after amelia earhart, the first woman to fly across the atlantic. although it she is a he, then maybe lindburgh? i don't know bettas, so i have no clue how to determine sex... :lol:
Thank you for all the suggestions. Newfishies, I like amelia...:)

I will have to look again to make sure, but I think I saw an egg tube when I got her yesterday...

Edit: I think I see an egg tube here:
The DT is showing a oviposter, but some males have them showing as well. The finnage is rather heavy for a female, so it is probably a young male. Seperate it for a couple days, so it can't see another betta, then sit it beside one of the females. See if it flares at her .
f250, I was thinking of that as well when the others mentioned the DT looking manly...I checked for the white tube when I got home tonight, and it was rather tiny compared to my other females. I guess it might be a boy.

As for separation, Do you mean there will be a difference with a male and a female's reaction to another female after a short isolation? Because all of mine flare at one another, regardless of sex... :unsure:
i keep a female betta community and its fine for the most part, they have their scuffles and occasionally get lil nips and cuts but they heal fast. i find that the fighting pretty much stops all together after they develope a pecking order. its definately something to look into if u wanna conserve space but do ur reading first, what iv heard is 6 females to a 10g at the most, iv got 4. very nice pictures, i like ur red ans blue doubel tail, and that first opuqe looking girl is also quite nice. congrats on the find ;) :thumbs:

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