New filter question


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Hi. I was wondering what good advice you had regarding my tank setup and whether its correct. Here are the specs of my tank, equipment and fish.

4 jewel cichlids
1 plec (appx 6 inches in length)

10 gallon tank
penguin bio-mini

the water chemistry is fine, however the tank is extremely cloudy, almost to the point of looking like milk when i have my hood light on. I've had the tank and fish for about 2 months now, yet its still really cloudy. The bio wheel is well established, but the filter cartridge keeps getting clogged and backlogged, so i was recommended the aquaclear filter, which i tested (my friend had an old 150). Now, here's the real set of questions. Should i get the AC 150, 200, or 300 for my tank, based on the load of my fish? Also, i noticed that while testing the AC 150, i used the amrid pack and it made my water even more cloudy, so i immediately took it out. Should i just keep that thing in my new filter, or go without it entirely? If i get one of the AC models, about how long SHOULD it take to start showing signs of clearing up?? Sorry for all the questions, but i'm a first time poster here. I'd love some feedback to my issue! thanks
ok i went ahead and got the AC 300 for my 10 gallon tank. (i'm getting a 55 gallon tank for christmas, so i'm thinking ahead). I know the filter is way more than i need for the 10 gallon tank, but will the water flow disrupt the fish enough to kill them? I hope not. On a side note, as i expected, the tank got a whole lot more cloudy with the introduction of the new filter, carbon and amrid packets. Hope this clears up really soon.
IF you didn't rinse the amrid and the carbon first it will do that it should settle down. THe other thing is that the bigger filter may be stirring up the water more causeing the high amount of cloudyness. As far as the fish go I have no idea.

I would suggest that you don't waste your money on the amrid and the carbon. The carbon is really only good if you are trying to remove something from the water, and the amrid is only good if you are fighting a nitrite spke. Otherwise just out the foam in, (two if ya want) and then throw some filter floss on top. It is working really well for me.
I need the filter floss, but petsmart is 20 minutes away and i've already been there once today. Maybe i'll go tonight or tomorrow. Either way, i'm quite scared cause of the cloudiness.
A white cloudy tank can be caused by a bacteria boom. I used to get these all the time because I was over cleaning the gravel. When you do weekly water changes only clean one-third of the gravel. That way two-thirds remain undisturbed each week but will be thoroughly cleaned roughly once a month. Once I stopped over cleaning the gravel I never had another bacteria boom.
Thanks for the feedback. Its been about 8 hours with my new aquaclear 300 with the spongue, carbon, and fiber stuffing and the tank is already showing signs of clearing up. Hopefully this is more than wishful thinking.

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