New Filter Making Sucking Sounds


Jan 16, 2016
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I bought a 6.6 gallon PetCo aquarium for my son's triops (yes, I know they only live a month or two, but they lay eggs that can be hatched, which we plan to do). So anyway, the problem is the filter. Every 4 or 5 seconds, it makes this sucking sound. I have tried adjusting the flow using the knob that is made for that purpose. I have also tried adjusting the plumb level using the little foot that rests against the tank for this purpose. I rechecked everything to make sure it was all put together properly. It is still making that noise.
Any ideas on how to fix it? I really don't want to buy another filter.
Thank you.
Sounds like an airlock.
Check the intake tube for cracks and a tight fit.
What brand of filter is it?
I'm not sure of the brand. I will check when I get home.
I know Aquaclear does it til fully primed. And they have the knob and foot you described.
I fill my filters, turn the knob to the right, (if looking at the front/discharge side), and wait till it self primes. Then move the knob back.
I hope that works. That sound can drive one up a wall.
This thing has been "sucking" for over 24 hours now. I don't know how my son slept through it. It would have driven me bonkers.
If its one which sits within the tank I would try turning it off and then turning it upside down and moving it around in the water to see if any bubbles come out.
Can you post a pic of the filter perhaps a video with sound? it sounds like a HOB (hang on back) so it will be outside of the tank with the intake inside, a pic/vid may show us what is wrong, it does sound like air, I would turn it off and refill the filter box with water and then turn it back on but leave the flow knob turned down to allow it to catch up and start to pump water without sucking air then slowly turn it up I don't think you need to buy a new filter it just needs adjustment somewhere I have a similar one that can be a pain at times but they are good once they get going!
I looked at the box and the brand is actually Petco. It is the Petco "Livingston" 6.6 gallon freshwater aquarium. It is a HOB filter. I didn't take any pictures last night because I thought I got it to a point where it was acceptable but this morning it was back to its old tricks.
So here's what I did last night:
  • I took the whole thing apart and checked for leaks in the main tank and the intake tube. No leaks.
  • I checked to make sure the impeller spins properly. It does.
  • I put it back together, making sure all pieces went on properly.
  • I made sure it was sitting on the tank properly. I also tried sitting it in different angles just to see if being tilted would help but it didn't.
  • Once I turned it back on again, I adjusted the flow knob until it made the least annoying noises and thought I mostly fixed it to a "good enough" level.
  • Got up this morning and it is back to making the same sucking/slurping noise every few seconds.
So, if anyone has any ideas based on the above info, I am all ears. I read about using a piece of airline tubing but I did not understand what they were talking about. There were no pictures. All I found on youtube were videos of larger systems, not HOBs. I will try to get pictures when I get home today.
Thank you!
I ended up unplugging it for a night and plugging it back in the next day and for some reason, it decided to work properly. Who knows for how long or why it suddenly decided that it was ready to work, but I'm not complaining. :)
Glad the filter is up and running properly now. Must admit that stumped me for a bit but had to be a air bubble somewhere where it was affecting the intake of water. Wonder if you noticed if there was better flow coming out if the filter once the filter was running correctly?
By the way, had to look up Triops, wow, never seen these before. Tadpole Shrimps. A very interesting and very cool choice your son made there. Bet its fascinating finding out more about these literal living fossils.
Nice one
Ch4rlie said:
Glad the filter is up and running properly now. Must admit that stumped me for a bit but had to be a air bubble somewhere where it was affecting the intake of water. Wonder if you noticed if there was better flow coming out if the filter once the filter was running correctly?
By the way, had to look up Triops, wow, never seen these before. Tadpole Shrimps. A very interesting and very cool choice your son made there. Bet its fascinating finding out more about these literal living fossils.
Nice one
The sad thing about triops is that they live for such a short period of time. They are already gone. I have kept the filter running though because we are going to start another batch and once they are large enough, they can go in the tank. The kit that he got came with 3 different types of triops, so we will have 2 more types to raise. At some point, the tank may be used for a betta or shrimp or something else that can live in such a small amount of water (6.6g). Actually, maybe not a betta because the substrate is aragonite sand which makes the water harder. Well, at any rate, it will be triops territory for several more months.
They really are fascinating. Even my husband, who shows minimal interest in fish, was amazed and checked on the triops daily. He had "sea monkeys" as a kid and while he knew they weren't going to be monkeys wearing crowns like the pictures showed, he thought they would be larger than they were. I had some as well and I also remember being disappointed that they were so small. We both thought the triops would be similarly disappointing, but wow, did they deliver!

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