New Member
Hi guys and girls,im going to be starting a 5x2x2 project shortly and ive been wondering,becuase of the depth of this aquarium i want a set up where i dont really have to interfere with the filter for quite some time.I have seen a set up where there was a partition created using a back to nature background which was silliconed 5 inches from the back wall of the tank creating a 5ftx2ftx 5inch partition,this is quite a big compartment,all of this was stuffed full of various filter media,this was run by a small pond pump apparently,i didnt have time to ask how the pump was hooked up to this,i guess an inlet into the back compartment and an out let out of the compartment,but if any of you guys know remotly what im talking about please can you enlighten me,sorry for being so dizzy,but diy filters or anything diy come to think of it is not a strong point for me,sorry!! any comments and ideas please,would be appreciated.