New Filter For My 300l


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
I'm thinking of upgrading the filter in my fish tank. I'm currently running the filstar xp 2. It's working ok but i think a bigger filter would be better as the capacity is up to 300l, my tank is roughly 300l maybe a bit more.

I've seen the TetraTec EX 1200, and the price on a few sites seems good, £59.99. Is it a good filter, anyone got any experiences with them.

Would anyone suggest anything else, i hear alot of people rave about the eheim filters.

I'll proably invest in one around tuesdayish so some advice would be great.

(Also, when i do upgrade, would it be ok to transfer my old filter media straight into the new filter and gradually replace the old media with new media, or run the new one along side the old one for a while).
Looks like i'll be going with the tetratec.

What would be the best way for the media, run it alongside my existing filter, or, swap the media over???
I've just setup 2 ex700's (just as in my sleeves are still rolled up)

If you can - run them along side each other.... unless you dont mind chopping up sponges to fit the new filter.

I'll be keeping my filters that I'm taking out and didn't want to chop up the sponges.

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