New Filter - Fish Not Happy

How big is the tank? Is there lots more flow in there with the new filter? Sudden changes to an environment for Angel fish can cause them to stress out and die, they dont like "too" much flow in a tank as they are rather big, flat fish which can get pushed around a lot.
The tank is 120L. I'd say the filter is more powerful, but i've got it on the integrated spray bar to spread the flow out. They didn't seem to be struggling with the flow, but it is possible I guess. My mollies and tetra's were also very lethargic a couple of days ago, some sitting on the bottom and not moving a lot. But touch wood, they are back to their usual selves now.
You might have had some chemicals from the new pump enter the water if the filters, pipes sponges were not properly cleaned. It might have been wise to run hot water through the unit for ten mins to remove any grease or contaminants from the components before hooking it up to your tank.

If your fish keep dying, you will probably have to clean your whole tank and run hot water through your filter.
Thanks everyone for your help. The tank seems to be back to normal now, all the fish are happily swimming about again. My other angel looks a bit lost without its mate but hopefully will be ok. Thanks again!

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