New Filter - Fish Not Happy


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2011
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I installed a new Fluval U3 2 days ago. I transferred as much of my old media into the new filter as possible. The fish seemed happy until today. They are very lethargic, and not swimming around as usual. Some are shimmying a bit too. Also when fed, a lot of them seemed to be spitting the food out.

I've been keeping a close eye on my water levels, the only increase was a slight rise in nitrates. I did a 30% water change a few hours ago to lower this and there is still not much change in behaviour.

Any ideas?
If you have managed to lose your cycle, large water changes are needed, not tiny 30% changes.
Thanks guys, i'll continue doing large water changes when possible!
Continuing to do water changes, did a 70% change earlier. One of my angelfish looks like it's almost had it, it was upside down on the bottom a minute ago but is moving arounda little bit again now.
Only nitrates seem to be slightly higer than normal, i don't understand and don't know what else I can do! Could it be anything in the new filter media that they are not used to?
So I just have to ride with it and hope for not too many casualties?
I lost the angelfish over night. All other fish seem happy again now though, maybe this was just a bit weaker than the others. I hope my remaining angel doesn't become aggressive now she doesn't have her mate.
so what exactly are your ammonia and nitrite readings then? you've made no mention of them other than nitrate which wont kill your fish (at the levels i believe you have) and is pretty much a non issue at this stage.
Ammonia and nitrite have stayed at 0ppm throughout. I've been testing twice a day, which is why I can't understand how there has been such an affect. I thought a mini cycle was when you would see a spike in either or both of these? Hopefully whatever happened is stable now, but i'll continue to monitor closely.

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