new fighter killing my fish


New Member
Mar 10, 2005
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got a new fighter on sunday and i have noticed it going for my fish after just an hour or so being in the tank got home from work today and three of my fish are dead i know its defo down to my fighter any ideas what i can do ill take him back tomor but havent got a spare tank to put him in over night
What kind of fighter is it? Betta? If it is they cannot be in a tank with any kind of fish that has long flowing fins because they will attack and kill the other fish.
In an extreme emergency, if you have a very large glass vase( the decorator type) you can put him in there since usually they are sold at the LFS in little plastic cups.
sia20 said:
got a new fighter on sunday and i have noticed it going for my fish after just an hour or so being in the tank got home from work today and three of my fish are dead i know its defo down to my fighter any ideas what i can do ill take him back tomor but havent got a spare tank to put him in over night
If you put a siamese fighting fish in with community fish and expected it not to attack your other fish, you are either a newbie or ignorant. Siamese fighting fish are by called that for a reason. They aren't even good with catfish. My friend got a betta from petsmart and i said maybe we could put it in my tank that only has cory catfish while we hung out, and he went straight after a cory.

Bettas are supposed to be by themselves. PERIOD.
Yikes, take it easy. Lots of experienced people keep bettas with other fish. As for the "you're a newbie or ignorant" you can already see that this person IS a newbie.
OoHeatheroO said:
sia20 said:
got a new fighter on sunday and i have noticed it going for my fish after just an hour or so being in the tank got home from work today and three of my fish are dead i know its defo down to my fighter any ideas what i can do ill take him back tomor but havent got a spare tank to put him in over night
If you put a siamese fighting fish in with community fish and expected it not to attack your other fish, you are either a newbie or ignorant. Siamese fighting fish are by called that for a reason. They aren't even good with catfish. My friend got a betta from petsmart and i said maybe we could put it in my tank that only has cory catfish while we hung out, and he went straight after a cory.

Bettas are supposed to be by themselves. PERIOD.
sorry but i think this is a matter of what fish you are mixing them with and possibly the the temperament of the individual betta himself.

I have a betta in my community tank...80g with balas, clown loaches ,a couple of L numbers, dalmation platies and marble hatchets.
I have had no problems with him attcking others or vice versa, all are happy healthy and no signs of stress.

I also have a couple of friends with beetas in community tanks but with all community tanks you have to pick your tank mates carefully.

for one guppys are a no no as the bettas feel threatened, mistaking the finnage of the guppys as another betta.
Thank-you Lady_tanksalot:

This is exactly the point I was making. You CAN have a Betta in a community tank as long as the other fish do not have long fins.
webcat5 said:
You CAN have a Betta in a community tank as long as the other fish do not have long fins.
...and so long as you watch him to make certain that he's just not generally aggressive.

as soon as you see your betta start taking swipes, you might as well save time and pull him from the tank. it is not uncommon for a betta to just be incompatible with everything. and don't listen to anyone who tells you bettas are compatible with guppies; if you've ever seen a betta flare at his reflection, then you know that a fish just has to look the part to be its next victim.
he kept flaring his fins and gills up at everything the chap in the shop said he will be fine in a cuminity tank, luckly i rang him and he was still at the aqurium and he waited for me to bring him back so hopefully i wont wake up to a tank full of dead fish in the morning now thanks for all your help and comments
Hi Sia - sorry you had that trouble.
Apparently the guy at the fish store isn't all that experienced with bettas.
Maybe you returning him and telling him about what happened will enlighten him somewhat.

I hope it doesn't deter you from getting another betta someday - preferrably one with his own tank :)

One other note I'd throw in -
I would probably never put a betta in with anything, just because they're so unpredictable. They can go for months without touching or even looking at another fish, then one day you can wake up and find fish parts floating in your tank.

It's just a risk to take, and there have been many cases where it's worked out fine, althought I'd never do it. It just doesn't seem to be worth it to me.

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